Take a moment to visualize your perfect week. How do you want to feel when Friday rolls around? Energized, accomplished, stress-free?
Grab your calendar and figure out what’s on there that will help you achieve that feeling. What’s not helping? Tweak your plans and weave in more of those feel-good vibes. Ask yourself what you can do to bring more of that desired feeling into your life with your current commitments.
Why do we do this? Because life gets noisy, chaotic, and sometimes overwhelming.
It’s easy to feel too busy, too tired, or like you’re being pulled in too many directions. You might feel like there are too many options and no clear path forward. When this happens, we often feel stuck or directionless.
As witchy folks, we might turn to our tarot cards for answers or look at the moon phases to see what’s happening astrologically.
But here’s the thing: you are the power behind all that magic.
You energize your tarot cards, crystals, rituals, and intentions. You are the source of your own power. Take control of your life and align it with how you want to feel.
Use your magical tools to amplify your power and guide you, but remember, it all starts from within you.
Think about how you want to feel a week from now. What’s your vision for the week ahead? The first step is to look at your calendar. Some of you might be allergic to planning, but having a plan can actually give you MORE freedom.
Look at your schedule for the next week. What are your appointments, work hours, family commitments, and other time-bound obligations? These go on your calendar first.
From there, think about your lunar intention—how you want to feel right now. What are your solar goals—things you’re actively doing to achieve that feeling?
Is there room for these on your calendar? How can you make space for them? How can you take action to create the life you want to live?
Reclaiming our authority over our time is crucial.

Once a week, preferably on Sundays, take the time to vision cast for the next week. Check-in with your intentions, goals, and the feelings you want to cultivate. This practice helps you align your daily life with your desired outcomes.
You can apply this same approach to other areas of your life, like your finances and health. Where is your money going this week? What are you planning to spend on? What are you putting into and on your body?
Treat your body as a sacred altar, dressing it with intention and care. Creating a sacred space for yourself weekly helps you stay aligned with your goals and the energy you want to cultivate.
Now, let’s talk about how this fits into the bigger picture. We often talk about intentions and goals at various levels—yearly, seasonal, lunar, and weekly. This can feel overwhelming, but it’s all about finding the balance between the macro and the micro.
We’re approaching Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas, in a couple of weeks. This is the first of the harvest festivals and a perfect time to reflect on what you’ve planted this year—both literally and figuratively.
What seeds did you sow in the spring? How did you nurture them over the summer? What are you harvesting now, and how will you carry that forward into the next season?
Lughnasadh marks the midpoint between the first day of summer and the first day of fall. It’s a time to start getting organized for the next phase. Think of it as the beginning of the back-to-school season. Summer might have been all about relaxation and freedom, but now it’s time to prepare for what’s coming next.
To integrate this into your weekly practice, consider how your seasonal goals align with your lunar and weekly goals.
For example, what do you want to accomplish this season? How does that break down into the next moon cycle? And how does that further break down into your weekly and daily actions?
This is how we can weave together our big visions with our day-to-day lives. Zoom out to see the big picture, then zoom in to focus on the details. Each level of planning helps you stay aligned and present, moving you closer to your goals.
As we approach Lughnasadh, start thinking about your intentions for this next season. Reflect on what you’ve achieved so far this year and what you still want to accomplish. Use this time to get clear on your goals and how you’ll work towards them in the coming weeks.
Create a sacred space, review your calendar, and cast your vision for the next week.
Think about how you want to feel, what actions will help you achieve that feeling, and how you can make room for those actions in your schedule.
Remember, YOU are the power source behind your magic.
Take charge of your time, align your actions with your intentions, and watch how your life transforms.
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