There were so many tears being shed that they were beginning to form puddles on the kitchen floor. Watching them collect in little pools of solidarity I noticed how dirty the floor was. I cried some more.

The Sisters Enchanted was only one year old, I had just closed the proverbial doors on my other business, and had a meltdown prone toddler home with a newborn during the day.

I just wanted someone to walk through the door and hand me one hour of free time to collect myself.

The ridiculously high standards that I had set for myself had made this nearly impossible though. There were emails to be answered, a baby to be breastfed, and now a floor to be washed.

We are gearing up to embark on our eighth journey into our free Expedition to Soul program and each and every time we hear from women who desire to find time for themselves.

I’ve been there.

Sometimes I’m still there.

Over the last four years I have learned quite a bit about myself (hello, Shadow Work) and quite a bit about what it takes to find time for yourself. I’m not always good at it, but I’m better than I used to be.

In this week’s podcast episode Anna and I chat on this very topic and I encourage you to listen in! If you’re short on time, here’s a quick round up of our tips for you:

~Give up the expectation that someone is just going to gift you time to yourself (only you can do that for you)

~Be intentional with your everyday

~Observe your energy and cycles

~Set yourself up for success by decluttering your schedule

~Pack a quest pack

If you’ve been looking for something to do just for you, make sure to get registered for Expedition to Soul. Then, pack your Quest Pack (we’ll give you some tips specifically on this after you register!) and get excited because you are laying the groundwork for some of that much needed ‘me time’, Magic Maker.

Check out our latest podcast making time for yourself

You can also watch the podcast here on youtube!

Also, read this amazing blog written by Anna in the early days of The Sisters Enchanted.  The message is still so powerful.

Click here for the “Love Yourself- I Dare You” blog.