Our Top Five Tips to Feeling Safe and Grounded to Realize your Intentions

Our main aim, here at the Sister’s Enchanted, is to help people to live intentional, Soul-led lives.

But what about those intentions that we make over and over again and never seem to be realized?

Three common reasons intentions fail is because they:

      • Are not specific
      • Have not taken into account how you want to FEEL
      • Are not realistic

That’s why in this article we’re talking about how to ground yourself and manifest your vision. You can read more about all of these in our article ‘Why Most Intentions Fail’ 

One of the main reasons an intention may not be realistic is that it is not something that can be easily INTEGRATED into your life right now.

For example, if you want to get started with writing a book but you are not feeling safe and secure in your home and in the world then it is very unlikely your mind will be able to focus on writing the kinds of sentences that people want to buy.

A lack of feeling grounded and rooted is one of the main reasons intentions fail and herein can lie the problem. How on earth can we retain this sense of feeling calm and grounded when we have all just lived through the pandemic of COVID-19, we  are now being constantly bombarded by the media with the threat of a Third World War and the very structures we have centered our lives around seem to be falling away around us?

According to ‘Psychology Today’ Grounding means’ to make a conscious connection between yourself and the source of your life force energy’. 

The good news is that, although it may seem to be the case,  our  jobs, careers and fortunes, shopping centers and malls are, in actual fact, NOT the source of this essential life force energy. 

Industries and banks can collapse, you can become unemployed, relationships can fail, you can be forced to move to a new home. Granted, all of this may bring high levels of stress and anxiety but you can still reconnect with that life force energy and ground yourself.

Grounding yourself is all about building a relationship with the Earth. If you already work with your  energy centers, or chakras, you will know that Energy Center One, or your Root Chakra, situated at the base of your spine, is where this grounding energy emanates from. 

Learn for more about energy centers here

Whenever you feel life has thrown you a curveball so large that you feel your very survival is threatened, when you feel scarcity and deep fear,  your energy will automatically need to be centered around  feeling safe and grounded again. If you are consciously redirecting your energy to a higher intention, it will just become scattered between your root and that need to ground and the intention you are working on – meaning that neither will be achieved. 

When you are feeling grounded you will be feeling present in your body and connected with the earth. When you are grounded, you can enable yourself to feel centered and balanced, no matter what’s going on around you. This is the best state of being able to continue working towards your intention, whatever life throws your way, and realize your goals. 

Our Top 5 Tips for Getting Grounded

  1. Swim, paddle, sit by water or put your hands in water.
  2. Go for a walk in nature and fully concentrate on what is around you. 
  3. Walk on the earth barefoot.
  4. Collect a stone on your nature walk and hold it whenever you feel the need for grounding.
  5. Use your favorite essential oil on your pulse points or on a handkerchief and breathe in the scent. Lavender is a great oil for grounding.

Try these tips whenever you are feeling stressed or scattered and get grounded to realize your intentions.