Human Design With Krystle Alfarero

 In this week’s Expedition to Soul Podcast, Sara Walka,  founder of The Sisters Enchanted, was joined by special guest Krystle Alfarero of the Human Design Academy. Krystle works to help people discover what their true gifts and innate talents really are and empower them to choose the path that is in true alignment to them, their energy and what they came to this life to do.

In this week’s Expedition to Soul podcast, Sara Walka, the founder The Sisters Enchanted, was joined by special guest, Krystle Alfarero of the Human Design Academy

What is Human Design?

In the most basic sense human design is a self-awareness system and it’s a synthesis of ancient wisdoms and modern science from astrology, the Chinese I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the chakra system all kind of blended together with quantum physics. And it’s also an empowerment tool that ultimately helps people activate and really live out their highest potential as their authentic selves.

Some people like to describe it as the esoteric/spiritual version of the MBTI or the Enneagram personality tests because it gives you creepily accurate insights into your strengths and your challenges, but it also goes way beyond that, because it provides you with a blueprint of your energy. It tells a story of who you came here to be, who your soul decided that you wanted to be in this lifetime; the gifts that you have, the strengths that you’re here to share, and the experiences that you decided that you would have. And the lessons that you came here to learn as well.

Krystle helps people by uncovering their highest potential and helping them to embody and live this best life possible.  She explains,

“I never even got to discover what my gifts were until later down the line, and I think that’s the common case for so many people. We choose this path because we think it’s practical because it’s something that someone told us that we should go into. and it never really aligns to where our true potential lies.”

We often get stuck on a life path that may be logical and practical but can become suffocating and leave us feeling there is so much more we could be doing with our life.

 This is just what Krystle is helping people to do with human design – to discover what their gifts and innate talents really are and empower them to choose the path that is in true alignment to them, their energy and what they came to this life to do.

 Take Back Your Power!

In our Sisters Enchanted community, and the things our community members share with us about their life journeys, we can see how many of us have ever really been trained to listen to ourselves, to be our own authority, to make our own decisions. We so often tend to look elsewhere, to things outside of ourselves to guide our life. It is when we tap into our own inner wisdom and let ourselves become the author and leader of our own life that we create the most fulfilling circumstances.  When we take back our personal power!

 Get to Know Your Energy Type!

Krystle explains that the first thing we need to learn is what our energy type is and the strategy for that type. This then helps us to understand how we interact with the world, how to make healthy decisions and make the optimal use of ourselves and our energy. The trouble is, we are all conditioned, especially in the Western World, to maximize one kind of energy, that which drives us to succeed in a career, make money, have a good home and car etc. For many of us, this becomes this unsustainable way of living. It leads us to stress.

When you understand your energy type and how your energy functions you get to learn a better way for you to live your life and avoid frustration, disappointment and burn out.

Misconceptions about Human Design

Many people may be put off exploring human design believing it will involve a practitioner dictating what they should be doing with our lives. In reality, it is more a framework, a system to help us make the best of our life rather than a concrete set of rules that must be followed.

Human design really is an experiment more than anything else. Experimenting is where you are going to find the most transformation and see what you are really capable of doing. That’s where you really get to experience what you’re capable of doing as well. That’s where you really take back your personal power and live in a way that is right for you.

Krystle recommends we don’t get all bogged down in the details of human design but just explore our energy type and strategy and take back that power – our own authority. That’s all we need to get our experiment started.

If you would like to know more about Krystle and her approach to human design, to learn about her academy or book a reading you can visit her website here.




Find and learn more about Krystle here: