​​Your Intuition Expands as Intention Expands

 In this week’s Expedition to Soul podcast, Sara Walka, Founder and Head Magic Maker at The Sisters Enchanted discussed the importance of intention for manifestation, expansion, creation, how intuition expands as we become more present and intentional in our lives and how all the tools we use to develop our intuition, such as tarot, pendulums and meditations, only work to do so by helping us to be more present to ourselves.

Expansion Starts with Intention

What does all of this mean for you when it comes to creation, manifestation, and expansion?

We love to think of manifestation as expansion, expanding into becoming something or expanding your life into something you would like it to be. Many people come to us desiring to manifest deeper intuition, perhaps becoming more skilled at connecting with and reading Tarot cards, or a pendulum, better at meditating, developing psychic abilities. Others want to live a life that is more aligned with the Moon and Lunar Cycles or become more knowledgeable and skilled in working with crystals, herbs and energy centers.  We have the classes to teach all of this but at the heart of all of this is learning to become more intentional and more present in yourself and your current situation.


Being Present

 To be intuitive, to be able to hear the next right thing for yourself and experience a relationship with your body or with the Moon and Stars requires you to stretch your ability to trust in yourself and release any control other people or situations may have on you and release expectations you or others have for yourself.

 This happens through being more intentional with everyday life, your communication, relationships, the media consume, your everyday actions thoughts and actions.

 Being intentional increases your intuition.

 Tools like Tarot, pendulums and meditation do not expand your intention through some magic of their own. They do so because they bring you into being present. It is this more presence that then expands your intuition.

Developing intuition centers around being more present in yourself and more self-aware about how body feels when something is SO right for you that you need to leap immediately, or when something is not right for you, how your body feels when don’t follow intuition, even though you know something to be true, and do something that you know is not right for you.

 Developing intuition is all about being present in how you feel when you set boundaries, when you speak words that need to be heard by those around you, even when you know it will be difficult and they may be words others do not want to hear. It is about being present in how your body feels when you are being intentional and authentic to yourself and your values and when you are not.

Being present in all these things helps you release control and gather trust and confidence in your true, authentic self.

This is how you expand your intuition and create more of what you want in life.

It is through being present and intentional in the thoughts you are thinking, how you are reaching, how you are communicating, in your actions. Manifestation and expansion, connecting with your Higher Self and growing intuition all come through being intentional in how you move through life.  And this all happens through being more present and intentional through your everyday life.

 Intuitive tools are helpful because they can help bring you to presence. They are not the building blocks or crutches for your intuition. Intuition is all about being able to hear what you already know to be true through being present in yourself and your situation.

 Tools like lunar tracking, working with the phases and cycles of the Moon, with morning potions, with Tarot journaling and planets, such as Mercury to understand your communication strengths and weaknesses. These tools can also help you to become more present in your day. And with that comes expansion in your intuition and expansion in the things you can create and manifest in your life.

 It all begins with intention. Living intentionally can enable you to expand your intuition so you can level up from 3D experiences to a 5D  intuitive, energetic plain rich with connection,  growing, cultivating, manifesting and expansion.

Your Expansion Archetype

 There are so many spiritual and magical tools out there it is easy to become overwhelmed and then feel a failure because you are not sticking to a practice you set out to follow so you just shut down and give up.

Learn your own expansion archetype and relating this to specific tools that can help you to develop the presence in yourself and intentional way of living to help you to listen to and grow your intuition.

 Learning what is right will help you to speed up this process of expansion

Understanding who you are can help you to change your trajectory. It helps you to see where you are holding back energy, where you are sabotaging yourself through stories you tell yourself, how to do the shadow work to change these stories, how to become intentional in a way that will expand your intuition, your creativity and manifestation.

We have many tools you can use for this, on our Podcast, in our free gifts, and in all our classes. We are ready to help you to find those that work best for you. But, for them to work, you need to use them as tools to become more present and intentional to grow your intuition.