Today, we’re diving into intuition and ego. Inspired by a question from Melissa in our Enchanted Journey Mastermind, we’ll explore how these two forces influence our decisions and shape our lives. And, of course, I’ll share some personal anecdotes to illustrate these concepts in action.

Setting the Stage: Planning Your Week

Before we delve into the heart of our discussion, let’s take a moment to do our weekly planning. Whether you’re a planner aficionado or prefer jotting notes on a scrap of paper, this exercise is for you. Vision casting, as I like to call it, is about aligning your schedule with your values and energetic capacity.

  1. Start with the Immovable Objects: These are the non-negotiables like appointments, work commitments, and pre-scheduled events.
  2. Align with Your Vision: Reflect on your goals and values. What activities will support these this week?
  3. Be Honest About Your Capacity: Avoid overloading your schedule. Recognize your limits to prevent self-sabotage.
  4. Forecast Your Finances: Just as you plan your time, plan your money. Review your accounts, forecast your expenses, and consider where you might need to adjust.

By the way, if you’re joining us for the Midsummer Mayhem summer solstice event, you’ll receive a PDF to help track your summer goals. Let’s make this summer a memorable one, filled with magic and badassery!

Intuition vs. Ego

Now, let’s dive into our main topic. Understanding the difference between intuition and ego can transform how you navigate life’s choices.

Listen to the podcast episode or watch the video for my juicy real life share on this topic!


The Voice of Intuition

Intuition is an embodied experience. It’s that gut feeling, the inner voice that speaks truths we often overlook. For me, personally, my anxiety will shoot through the roof when my intuition is speaking and I’m ignoring it. 

The Persistent Ego

Ego, on the other hand, is the voice of logic, reason, and often, fear. It thrives on societal norms, safety, and comfort zones. I know that my ego is at play when I’m overthinking everything. 

Differentiating Psychic Skills from Intuition

It’s important to distinguish between intuition and psychic abilities. Psychic skills involve receiving information beyond the normal sensory range, often from spiritual or energetic sources. Intuition, however, is deeply personal and rooted in your own body and experiences. For me, a psychic knowing is like hearing an answer or direction without formulating the thought. Intiution, though, is coming from deep within me. 

Exercises to Hone Your Intuition

To help you tap into your intuition, I recommend a simple exercise:

  1. Reflect on Past Experiences: Identify moments where you ignored your intuition. What were the consequences? How did your body react? This is your signal that you’re ignoring your intuition.
  2. Tune into Your Body: Your body is a powerful communicator. Pay attention to physical sensations when making decisions. Is your ego trying to tune your body out?
  3. Do a Gut Check: Ask yourself – do I have a deep knowing that I am to take an action or make a decision that is contrary to everything my ego is telling me?

Trusting Your Intuitive Journey

Trusting your intuition is a journey that looks different for everyone. Your body is speaking to you all the time, you have to re-learn to listen. 

As we continue our exploration of intuition, I encourage you to share your experiences. How has intuition guided you? When have you found yourself caught in the grip of ego? Your stories enrich our community and provide valuable insights for us all.

Differentiating between your intuition and ego is a lifelong experience. By recognizing and trusting your intuition, you empower yourself to make decisions that align with your true self.