Is Your Communication Sabotaging Living Your Best, Soul Aligned Life?

 In this week’s Expedition to Soul Podcast, Sisters Enchanted Founder and Chief Magic Maker, Sara Walka explores how your communication style may be sabotaging you as you strive to receive, expand, manifest and enjoy life in a soul-aligned way.

Mercury and Your Communication Style

Just as you have a Sun Sign and Moon Sign, you also have a Mercury Sign, the Zodiac Sign Mercury was in at the time you were born. Like every sign, placement and feature in your birth chart, this Mercury Sign has a light and a shadow, it shows you the highlights in your communication, the strengths and talents you can draw on, and also the area of sabotage, the part of your communication style that can hold you back from living a life that is fully soul-aligned.

If you don’t know your Mercury Sign and the strengths and shadows it brings you then be sure to sign up for our ‘Season of the Witch’ gifts to get your FREE guide to finding your Mercury Sign and the light and shadows for Mercury through the Zodiac.

What Does it Mean to Live a Soul Aligned Life

You know you are living a soul-aligned life when you feel joy through the things you experience every day and when you don’t feel so great and things are not going your way you feel prepared for this, You know you have the tools to use to get you through or you know how to find the support you need.

You know you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing at each moment. 

How Communication Gets in the Way

As you move through the day, you may encounter moments where you do not feel supported in the way you wish to be, where someone brings you energy you do not desire, arguments, ill feeling. All of these things can challenge the shadow of your Mercury Sign to react to resentment, disappointment and hurt, causing you to respond in a way that does not bring you joy. 

The shadow of our Mercury Sign can cause us to feel a disconnect with people and situations we are trying to have a joyful relationship with, leading us into a spiral of hurt. Of course, this also leads us to hurt others too which is not something that brings most of us joy!

This includes our relationships with ourselves and with things we are trying to manifest into our lives, including money. The words we use when we think and describe our finances and our money story can really get in the way of us manifesting the resources we need to live the life we truly desire.

For example, talking in a way that does not describe ourselves as someone deserving of expensive items and experiences or talking with resentment about our financial situation.

Action is Communication

It is important to remember that actions are a form of communication as much as the words we are saying.

Our actions, such as limiting ourselves to purchase only bargains and the least expensive items, are powerful communications that can keep us from living a soul-aligned life with space and opportunities to create, expand and manifest. 

It is super important to consider both our words and our actions around our relationships with others, with ourselves, with the world around us and with the greater energy in the world, whatever that looks like to you.

Consider the words you use in your outer dialogue to others, your inner dialogue – your thoughts and the way you communicate with yourself, when you manifest, pray or in other ways you communicate with a higher power or energy.

Then consider the actions you take.

Are you sabotaging what it is you are trying to bring into life, your intentions, your manifestations?

Even, in the main, you are experiencing a life that is full of joy, there is likely to be at least one space in your life that is not perfect, a work in progress!

Tarot and Challenges 

The cards 1-10 in each suit in The Tarot Minor Arcana tells a story. The Swords tell the story of our words and thoughts, The Cups our emotions, The Pentacles our worldly resources and experiences, The Wands our spirituality and creativity.

We can take a Tarot Suit and map its story onto the experiences that challenge our communication styles throughout the day.

Card 2 is always about a choice, a decision, an opportunity that is presented to us. This can represent our waking into a new day and all the possibilities it presents.

By Card 5, half way through the suit, we are presented with our first conflict! This can be a conflict with another person, an inner conflict, a mismatch between desires and the resources to achieve them.

Think about the possibilities you have each morning and what happens in a day to derail them. If you work with Tarot you can spread out a suit and reflect on how the story plays out during the day.

What did you do when presented with that conflict? Did you draw on your tools, your internal or external support systems, your light? Or did you let that Mercury shadow in to dominate your communication and derail your day?

It takes practice to come to know yourself and how to create and use your own energy tool kit to help you to live that intentional, soul-aligned life, especially when it comes to encountering others who do not necessarily share the same truths as you. Mercury’s shadow loves nothing more than when what we know to be true is challenged! We really need to dig into its light and our tools and talents there to communicate with respect that others have the right to their truth also!

Try It Out

Take one area of life you are currently working on and reflect and journal how you communicate about this – the words you use and the actions you take. Then look at your Mercury Sign. Are you letting its shadow dominate your communication here?

You can learn from Mercury and your communication styles, and from the story through the Tarot suits to help make sure your communication – your words and your actions with yourself, with others and with all you are manifesting is in alignment with where you want to be and how you are going to get there.  

Learn the Tools

Magic Week will soon be upon us and will be packed full of tools you can use when you hit those roadblocks and conflicts through the day so they do not  derail you from your soul-led joy.

It is important to remember that actions are a form of communication!

The shadow of our Mercury Sign can cause us to feel a disconnect with people and situations we are trying to have a joyful relationship with, leading us into a spiral of hurt.

Take a Tarot Suit and map its story onto the experiences that challenge our communication styles throughout the day.

You know you are living a soul-aligned life when you feel joy through the things you experience every day and know you have the tools to get you through any situation that may challenge your joy.

Living a soul-led life means you know you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing at each moment.