It’s Leo Season, Magic Makers. 

This zodiac sign is ruled by the Sun and is associated with courage, confidence, and charisma. ‘Tis the season to step into your confidence as you work toward achieving your goals. 

And, just for you, I’ve whipped up a Leo Season Confidence Tarot Spread. >>If you don’t read tarot, you can use oracle cards or use these as journal prompts<<

This is a seven card spread. You’ll place card number one in the center and cards 2-7 in a circle around it like a lion’s mane. 

  1. The Sun: This card represents your inner Leo, the source of your courage and confidence. What strengths do you possess that you can draw upon in times of need?
  2. The Lion’s Roar: This card represents the fears or challenges you’re currently facing. What is the ‘danger’ that is causing you to feel fear or uncertainty?
  3. The Lion’s Heart: This card represents your courage. How can you tap into your innate bravery to face your fears?
  4. The Lion’s Mane: This card represents your self-image and how others perceive you. How can you boost your confidence and shine brightly like the Sun?
  5. The Lion’s Leap: This card represents the actions you need to take. What bold steps can you take to overcome your challenges and embrace your full potential?
  6. The Lion’s Pride: This card represents the support around you. Who or what can you rely on for encouragement and strength?
  7. The Lion’s Throne: This card represents the outcome. If you embrace your courage and take confident action, what can you expect to achieve?

As you lay out your cards, visualize the warm, radiant energy of the Sun filling you with courage and confidence. Remember, like the lion, you are powerful and capable. Embrace your inner Leo this season and let your confidence shine.