The Leo New Moon is a bold one and a great time for intentions around fun, leisure and creativity. Leo’s optimism may feel short lived this week however, as Jupiter goes retrograde at the same time. This can make you feel frustrated about your opportunities and your fortune. This may be especially intense this time round as the backspin begins in fiery Aries.

  1. Use this retrograde to reassess what abundance and opportunity look like to you. Journal on it and then check yourself to make sure you are not missing what is right there in front of you.
  2. Make a New Moon intention around making the most of opportunities you have for something fun or creative.
  3. Turn your frustrations inside out and have a good look at what is causing them. Do some shadow work and explore your part in your frustrations and explore what actions  you can take to avoid these barriers and roadblocks.

Plus a Leo New Moon card spread for you!