Ready for a radiant celebration Magic Makers? We’re immersing ourselves in the magical festival of Litha. There’s nothing like acknowledging the natural rhythms and seasonal cycles to reflect, reset, and grow. Ever looked at a tree and felt inspired? Us too. Trees teach us authenticity and the joy of taking up space.


On this episode, we delve into nature-based festivals like Litha and Harvest Festivals. Trust us, celebrating the earth we live on is a special kind of joy. From working with energy sources like flowers and bees to simply feeling the earth beneath our feet, there’s something beautifully grounding about it all.


To help you on this journey, we’re dishing out journal prompts and grounding exercises. These will guide you in setting your intentions for the rest of the year. So let’s connect with nature, set our course, and find our rhythm. Join us as we explore the magic of Litha together. Let’s dive in!