Our Sisters’ Enchanted founder, Sara Walka is sick this week, so we took the opportunity to delve into the archives and bring you a special podcast episode on working with the Moon and your Energy Centers to live an intentional life.

 This is based on a live class all about working with the Lunar Cycle to set and grow intentions and with your energy centers, or Chakras to integrate these intentions into your body and your life and see them into fruition.


 Here at The Sister’s Enchanted, we love to teach how to live your best magical and Soul-led life by following our ‘Five-I Spiral of intentional living:

  • Intention
  • Integrating intentions into your life and body
  • Insight through shadow-work
  • Ideating the life you want and that you deserve
  • Intuition to guide healthy decision making

We talk a lot about working with the Moon for intention setting. Working with the rhythm of a lunar phase helps you to work with the rhythm of your intention. It also helps you to be present, to remember that you set an intention and that you are trying to bring something together in your life.

You will often hear us say how a New Moon is the perfect time for intention setting or a Full Moon the perfect time to release. But sometimes you might not really be feeling that in your energy. You might be feeling, “Oh, this doesn’t feel to me like setting an intention or it doesn’t feel to me like taking action, I really feel like I want to rest.” 

We get that!

Our own energy is not always feeling the same as lunar energy for sure!

So what can you do with that? 

Well you don’t have to do anything with it!  You could just acknowledge it because that is often enough. We don’t have to get productive and hit our intentions all the time!

Or you could take a look at your own inner flow through your energy centers and see what may need a little tweaking in order to create the space and rhythm for you to integrate your intention into your life and see it into being.

Integrating Your Intention Through Your Energy Centers

We have seven main energy centers through our body, relating to the Chakra System described in Eastern philosophies.

We describe each of these right here.

So if you are new to working with your energy centers or Chakras then do pop over to find out more about what all this is about.

Our energy centers work best when they are in balance with each other.  One, or often more of them, can feel a little underactive or overactive and make us feel not ready to make an intention and take action on or goals, or not ready to let go of a belief or story that we know is really getting us in the way of ourself and realisting our intention. 

When it comes to energy centers,we often look at them as being underactive or not very bright and big. And we can say that this is why we don’t have energy, or why we’re not confident, or we don’t feel intuitive. But the opposite is also true. Our energy centers can be overactive. So we can be so passionate about something, or a person who might not be the right person for us, that we just dive all the way in! 

An overactive energy center can be just  as problematic as an underactive one and needs reigning in to enable our intentions to be integrated, just as an underactive center needs a boost.

The key to integration is bringing all of our energy centers into balance.

By exploring and working with our Seven Energy Centers we can come to understand

the stories we tell through each of these core energies, what they mean to us and how

we relate to them. All of this can tell us a lot about how we are and how we are not

integrating our intention into being.

Integration means combining things together to be one whole thing –

integrating pieces of ourselves and our lives into one whole thing.

We are all made up of lots of pieces – of emotion, stories, experiences.. When we make

an intention this is another piece, another thing we have to think about and do and it

can be difficult to keep it growing into being.

Reality check: If we make an intention for something we really want we will keep

thinking about it and keep doing everything we have to bring it into being. If we set an

intention and don’t think about it again – was it the right intention?

This is considering integration can help us. We need to explore why we are, or are not,

taking steps to integrate intentions into our life.

If we are doing so, it is likely to be the right intention for us (although, of course, we

are all capable of putting a lot of energy into intentions that may not be the right


If we are putting blocks and resistance in the way of our intentions, perhaps they were

wrong for us or they were too big to integrate into our present self and our present life

and need breaking down into smaller steps that are easier to integrate.

If you set an intention but do not go all in to make it happen – you need to consider

what about blocks and resistances got in your way.

Likewise, if you did go all in to see your intention into being you can learn a lot from

exploring what drove and caused you to integrate it in that way. What woke in you to

easily integrate this intention in your life rather than forget all about it?

Intentions are more likely to grow and come into being when we can easily integrate

them with who we already are and what already is.

Energy centers can also tell us useful stories about what is guiding us to choose

intentions that are not right for us or blocking us from realizing those that could be

more healthy for us.

Journal and Reflection Prompts for Integrating Your Intention Through the Energy Centers

Think about an intention you are currently working on, perhaps for this current Lunar

Cycle. Go through each of the Energy Centers and use the prompts to evaluate how your intention can be integrated in that center.

Energy Center 1: Root Chakra – earthy matters, childhood, safety, security.

What past stories do I have that might be contributing to this?

Think of your present and past present (past in this lifetime from childhood to this

moment) and consider where you are feeling any fear or resistance.

Where in life does this resistance come from?

Energy Center 2: Sacral Chakra – passion, emotion, creation

Do you feel truly passionate about this intention?

Would you want to stay up all night long just diving into this intention?

Could you create a life around this intention – or do something to create it into being?

Energy Center 3: Solar Plexus – confidence, truth

How confident are you about this intention?

Do you lack any confidence in decisions that need to be made or actions that need


How confidently are you speaking truth around this intention – think about this

intention for a moment – how confident do you feel in speaking that truth?

Energy Center 4: Heart Chakra – unconditional love and boundaries

Consider your ability to unconditionally love yourself, and others around you, through

success or failure of this intention? How would others react? What impact could this


Are there any boundaries you need around this intention?

Energy Center 5: Throat Chakra

Do you feel those around you can truly hear your feelings and desires as you speak

about this intention? Do you feel heard?

Energy Center 6: Third Eye

What do you know intuitively to be true about this intention? Is it the right one? Is it

not for right now? How will it change your life? Can you manage its success or learn

from its failure?

Energy Center 7: Crown Chakra

Reflect and find the place of this intention in your wholeness.