Self-love. Self-love seems so unattainable, doesn’t it? With a world full of social media and trends- our universe has made it practically impossible to be your true self. We are always wishing for what we don’t have, a smaller waistline, wavier hair, less jiggle to our wiggle, a little less “chub rub,” or more. Maybe you envy the girl with the curvy body who totally rocks that pixie cut. Or maybe what you want falls somewhere else on the wide spectrum of the rockin’ goddess-like bodies all around us. (Because, like it or not, you are in fact a brilliantly beautiful sparkling goddess..)

I want you to really think back on your life, how you’ve grown, or changed. I know as a young lady and into my teens, I was nothing but degrading to myself. All I saw were my flaws. My butt was too big, my hair too thin, I had acne… everywhere. I was aware of every hair that would not stay in place, every pimple, obsessed with it, thinking that’s all other people could see.
I also did my fair share of bullying, which didn’t help, I wasn’t always kind or modest, despite my insecurities. It was exhausting trying to fit in, and defend myself, when I probably didn’t have to. So much time wasted. Ridiculous, isn’t it ?
Now, I may only be 28, so I am not all-knowing and wise. But what I do know is this: I have come a long way. I still break out and have scars, my chub rub still wears holes in my pants, and I have a large collection of stretch marks (thank you motherhood). There is so much more jiggle to my wiggle, but man, I like me so much more then I used to. Sure I still have my, “I’m fat and old,” days. But more often I feel sad for the beautiful little girl I once was. I beat myself up for years, and for what? NOTHING.
I know this is a bit of a rant. But how many people do this to themselves? Not just women. I also know that many people never come out of this mindset. But seriously, look at yourself, take care of yourself. Become your own biggest fan. Who cares what everyone else thinks? I dare you to love yourself. Forgive yourself for being so hard.
Besides that I want you to remind yourself of all that you’re capable of. What you have done, and can do. ‘Cause lady, (or man) I bet you have a lot of things to be proud of. Then work on loving yourself, accept your mistakes- and all the things that make you one of a kind, you beautiful soul, you.

I absolutely love this. I wish every little girl could read this. It would help so many.
This is brilliant Anna, thank you for sharing!!
🥰forgiving me & others, just so for myself, i can move onward. this was a struggle an then being an advocate for my own children, i dont like bullies, i thought of some things as i was growing up , ty very nice read.