Lughnasadh is upon us here in the Northern Hemisphere! Also known as Lammas, it occurs on August 1st in the Northern Hemisphere and around the beginning of February in the Southern Hemisphere. This is the celebration of the first harvest and we see the Goddess take on the role of the mother. Celebrating Corn and Grain Deity is common as is enjoying locally grown and harvested foods. 

     With Lughnasadh also comes the first inkling that autumn is just around the corner, the witches season! From here on out the dark months will get closer and those that believe in magic may notice that their energy is shifting into a stronger and more alive place. 

     Now is the time to enjoy those last bits of summer and begin to prepare yourself for the change of the season!

     Here are some ways to celebrate Lughnasadh! 

     You can make some homemade bread, or drink a grain-based beverage around a fire. You may want to make some beeswax candles or make some dolls out dried corn cobs. Take a trip to a local farmer’s market and see what foods are being harvested in your area at this time. 

     This is also a great time to give back to Mother Earth. Maybe start a compost or harvest some plants that you may be able to preserve or dry to use at a later time. Or create a magical sacred space outside so that you can spend more time breathing in the change of the seasons and sitting quietly with your self as the darker months start to creep in. 

Want more ideas? Click here and download our free Lughnasadh guide! 

Blessed Harvest Season!