We can use all the magical tools we can read about, crystals, cards, the Moon, seasons, astrology… These are all powerful things that have so much wisdom for us. But it is important to remember that all we really need to cast magic is our brain and being present with ourselves

  In this week’s episode of the Expedition to Soul podcast, Sara, founder of The Sisters Enchanted was joined by her friend Tenae Stewart the Witch of Lupine Hollow to talk about all bewitching our everyday and finding magic in the mundane.

Magic in the Mundane

 It is not often that two real life witches, both who run successful businesses around their craft, get together to talk about all things magical. It is easy to presume that Sara and Tenae have magical lives that center around complicated rituals. But, as Tenae points out, it is important to recognise that a practice doesn’t have to be rituals all the time, too. Although much of Tenae’s work is helping people create Moon rituals and daily rituals, although these can be powerful and useful markers in our lives. A life of ritual is not the only way to have a spiritual practice.

 Here at the Sister’s Enchanted, we aim to help people to live magical and intentional lives in ways that are realistic to integrate into the busy world we all live in. The best way to do this is to make the things we do every day magical, to fund magic in the mundane. During those times when we feel too busy for magic, we can look at exactly those things that are filling our plates and make something of those experiences magical. For example, making an intention or affirmation for the day as you make your morning coffee.

 A lot of Tenae’s work also centers around bringing magic into daily life by making tools, such as astrology, working with the Moon, the seasons and the cycles of nature accessible, easy to work with and simple to integrate into our busy lives.

 Tenae says,

 “These things can feel confusing and overwhelming for people who are new to this path, even for people who’ve been on this path for a long time. A lot of what I do is making magic simpler and more accessible for the real world.”

Do What Feels Good

These days, there is so much information out there about self-care and wellness, the Moon, astrology and all things magical, which is wonderful but can also be super overwhelming.

 It is easy for us to just take verbatim from the websites and the books that we learn from. But the best way to integrate all your magical learning into your life is to think about what all these things look like for you and how they fit into your life. For example, what does it mean to me that it is summertime?  How does this relate to my own life season? What does it mean to me that the moon is waxing right now? The key to a successful and productive magical life is starting to understand what all the tools mean to you on a personal level and not just what you have learned it is supposed to mean.

We can also fall down the rabbit hole of believing that we have to do all the things all the time to be really living a magical life. We must set an intention on every New Moon, make a ritual on every Full Moon and honor every season! This can lead us to ‘just doing it because it is the Full Moon, or because it is Solstice.’  These things may not align with your own, personal energy of the moment. It may not be the right time for you to set a new intention or to dance around a pole or a fire. You may just be thinking, “I just need a nap!” And you know what, that is totally fine. There is no point doing a ritual for a ritual’s sake, especially if it won’t make you feel good at all. Checking in with yourself and doing what you need right now is super magical!

Tenae explained,

 “In the last couple of months, I have not been doing my moon rituals very much. I looked back in the grimoire that I write all my moon rituals in and realized it had been a good six weeks!  And you know what – that’s okay!”

One of the biggest things for a magical life is learning to be more compassionate and gentler with ourselves, that you can do a ritual on the floor in the middle of the closet mess and it still counts. It’s still a ritual. It’s still exactly what you needed right then, and it’s also okay to skip them completely.

Finding the Magic in Your ‘Busy’

 It is easy to get disappointed and frustrated when you feel you haven’t put all your crystals out or collected Moon water in every available container on that biggest Super-Moon of the year, or you have reached the end of the summer without even thinking about setting up an altar. Sometimes the pressure to do all the things can add to our busy lives so that they themselves become tinged with the same stress and frustration as everything else. This is, of course, super counterproductive.

 It is far better to find magic in the things that are making us busy than add to the expectations we place on ourselves. We can make these things be our practice in themselves, connecting with family, going camping, being out in nature, whatever it is you’re doing, especially if it’s something good and fun – that is good busy. But even if it’s crazy busy, work and school busy, we can make some of those experiences part of our practice. We can place a crystal on our desks, make affirmations and magical intentions with our to-do list, write notes in colors that correspond to our intention, the season, the sign the Moon is in, stir herbs intentionally into the meal we are cooking for our family. There are many little things we can do with our day-to-day tasks to turn them magical,

Finding magic in the mundane and embodying magic doesn’t have to be setting up the things and this one-hour block of time. You can look at your desk at work as a creative abundance altar or your refrigerator is your altar to yourself and your health. Look at the beauty in the trees or the laughter of families and kids at an amusement park as ways to raise that energetic power, that beauty, that joy in your own life.

 Yeah, absolutely. It comes so much from our perspective and from our desire to be connected, really finding whatever that emotion is that you’re in. If it’s travel and fun summer activities, finding the joy and really tapping into that and if it’s “I have this horrible commute and this really crazy work schedule and I’m so stressed out,” also acknowledging that, allowing that to be shadow work, allowing that to be present and that that really is what you’re experiencing right now, and that your awareness of it and your ability to shift it maybe, or at least your ability to acknowledge and notice that you have the ability to change it at some point even if it feels out of control right now, all of that is your practice. Our awareness of ourselves is our practice.

For Tenae, a simple, every day way to make magic, even on the busiest of days, is to always

Start the day with a seasonal cup of tea, for the summer this is usually jasmine or apricot tea.

Sara’s life can look different every day, homeschooling two children, running a business and traveling around with the family in their RV. The one thing Sara does every day is to get dressed and get dressed with intention. This is what finding magic in the mundane is all about.  Getting dressed while thinking, “How do I want to feel today? What am I wearing to feel that way today?” For Sara, that helps her to feel confident and strong and like whatever’s coming her way, she can do it!

We can use all the magical tools we can read about, crystals, cards, the Moon, seasons, astrology… These are all powerful things that have so much wisdom for us. But it is important to remember that all we really need to cast magic is our brain and being present with ourselves. We don’t actually need any of the other things. They just sometimes make us happy or make it easier or bring us more awareness, but they’re never necessary.

Links to Witch of Lupine Hollow

As always, be sure to check out everything we have going on at thesistersenchanted.com. We have a free journaling class coming up, and you can find all the information for that in all the usual places.

Think about what life would look like if you had the foundation to do the shadow work, understand where you’re holding yourself back, and the confidence to bring some everyday magic elements into your life, follow your intuition and know exactly the steps forward for you. Well, that’s what we teach you and more in our Holistic Witchery program. Be sure to get on the waitlist for Holistic Witchery. It’s the one class we think everybody should take here at The Sisters Enchanted. It has changed so many lives and is at the core of all of our fundamental beliefs about who we are and how we propel ourselves forward in a way that makes great change for ourselves and those around us. Check out holisticwitchery.com. Get on the waitlist, and we can’t wait to welcome you into class just as soon as enrollment opens.