
Should I buy this car? Should I take this job? Should I go back to school? Should I get married? Should I play the lottery?

I just don’t know. What should I do?

We all have these questions, where we’re like, “Should I, shouldn’t I? Is now the right time?” And we just pull our hair out and we meditate and we pull Tarot cards. We listen to our intuition, all amazing things.

Raise your hand if you’ve been there!

I see you, Enchanted Sister because I do all those things too. 

But, we can also consult our birth charts and a transit chart and see what’s happening in the sky right now and how that relates to us and our personalities and help us to make really informed and soul-aligned intuitive decisions.

Let’s talk about decision making based on a birth chart!

When we take where the planets are in the sky right now, put them onto your chart and see where they’re interacting, we can see if it’s going to be a great time for a career opportunity, if it’s going to be a great time for traveling, if it’s going to be a great time for short distance traveling…there’s even a marriage house. There’s all sorts of different things that we can actually look at when we want to know what’s going on in the sky right now and how that impacts us.

What I love about astrology is that while it is very science based and mathematical, there’s so much intuition that goes into it as well. There’s even a whole story about your journey through lifetimes and here on this planet.

Because of the way the planets and elements all interact in astrology, we can really use our intuition to see and feel into questions, like, “How does this placement feel for me right here? Does this feel like it’s a good time?” It’s tangible yet intuitive.

We can also look at what’s going to happen next using our own birth charts combined with a transit chart.

Is it already showing me that buying this car isn’t going to be a good thing, that it’s going to lead to problems?

What’s next on this journey for me? Where is all of this leading?

How cool is that?

By looking at what’s happening in the sky right now, what’s happening on our birth chart, what happened when we were born, we can use that information to make decisions.

So many of us are seeking answers every day. We’re like, “Somebody just decide for me!” But really, with our own intuition, our own soul-led guidance, and a birth chart and a transit chart, we can make really well informed, educated, and magical, mystical decisions.

Let the stars guide you next time you have a big decision to make!