
As the end of June approaches, we find ourselves at a pivotal point in the year. The summer solstice has just passed, inviting us to reflect and realign with our intention and goals. It’s the perfect time for a mid-year check-in—a moment to pause, assess, and ensure that our lives are as magical and aligned as we desire! Let’s dive into this process together and explore how we can harness the energy of the season to realign with our intentions and goals for the rest of the year.

he Significance of the Mid-Year Check-In

Every year, as we reach this halfway mark, there’s a collective pause. We find ourselves wondering, “Where did the time go?” It’s a universal sentiment, and it’s precisely why a mid-year check-in is so powerful. It’s an opportunity to reassess our path, recalibrate our actions, and make sure we are living in alignment with our deepest desires and intentions.

2024 is a numerologically significant year, being an 8 year (2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8). The number 8 symbolizes infinite possibilities, much like the infinity symbol on its side. This year holds the potential for boundless growth and transformation, and now is the perfect time to tap into that energy if you haven’t yet.


Reflecting on Your Intentions

At the start of the year, many of us set intentions and chose words to guide us through the months ahead. It’s time to revisit those intentions. Did you choose a word or a phrase to embody? For me, it was a bold phrase: “Don’t fucking flinch.” This phrase became my anchor, reminding me to move forward without hesitation, to embrace my power, and to act with clarity and confidence.

Take a moment to recall your own word or intention for the year. Write it down, sit with it, and ask yourself: Have I been living in alignment with this intention? If not, why? This self-reflection is crucial in understanding where you are and where you want to go.


Assessing Your Progress

Next, let’s look at the goals you set at the beginning of the year. These goals, that we refer to as solar goals, are the tangible actions we take to manifest our intentions. They are the “yes or no” tasks that either bring us closer to our desired feelings or require adjustment.

For instance, if your intention was to feel abundant, what actions have you taken to cultivate that feeling? Have you been consistent in those actions, or have you encountered obstacles? Reflecting on these questions will help you gauge your progress and identify areas that need more focus. 


Realigning with Your Goals

If you find that you haven’t fully aligned with your goals, don’t be discouraged. Mid-year is the perfect time to recalibrate. Consider what support you need—whether it’s metaphysical tools like crystals, a supportive community, or practical changes in your routine. Personally, I find great value in surrounding myself with tools that enhance my energy and intentions.

Look around your space. Do you have items that support your intentions? Maybe it’s time to visit your favorite metaphysical shop, add new crystals to your collection, or repurpose items you already have. For example, a piece of sodalite can help enhance your communication, while a yellow bowl made by your child can symbolize the power of the solar plexus, boosting your confidence and energy.


Calendar Check-In

Another crucial aspect of a mid-year check-in is reviewing your calendar. What events or activities have you planned that align with your goals and intentions? Are there any gaps where you could add experiences to support your desired feelings?

For example, if you want to feel powerful, consider adding activities like axe throwing or karaoke to your schedule. If you seek adventure, plan a hike or an outdoor excursion. Your calendar should reflect the life you want to create, filled with moments that align with your intentions.


Relationship Reflection

Our relationships—whether with people, our bodies, money, or time—significantly impact our ability to achieve our goals. Take a moment to reflect on these relationships. Are they supportive and nurturing, or do they need adjustment?

You can’t change others, but you can change how you interact with them and what boundaries you set. Healthy, supportive relationships will bolster your energy and help you stay aligned with your intentions.


Lunar Tracking for Continuous Alignment

If you’re familiar with lunar tracking, you know its power in maintaining alignment. Tracking your energy through lunar cycles—new moon to new moon—offers a daily check-in mechanism. It helps you stay connected to your intentions and make necessary adjustments in real-time.

If you haven’t tried lunar tracking before, consider joining our community for guided support. Our upcoming “Magical Self-Care” program includes a daily lunar tracking challenge, perfect for maintaining alignment throughout the year.


Journal Prompt

To help you with your mid-year check-in, here’s a journal prompt: “Reflect on your word or intention for the year. Have you been living in alignment with it? What actions can you take to realign and move forward with clarity and confidence?”


Embrace this mid-year check-in as a sacred pause, a moment to reconnect with your intentions and realign with your goals. As we step fully into the second half of 2024, let’s harness the infinite possibilities of this 8 year and create lives that are not only aligned but also filled with magic, joy, and purpose.