We’re all a bunch of liars. That’s right…I said that.


Most of what we say to ourselves about ourselves is simply not true. We’ll justify our thoughts to death and defend our mind garbage to the end of the earth and back, but it doesn’t make it true.


The suit of Swords in tarot is our reminder of this.


At first glance, what do you think this card means? If you’re a seasoned tarot reader you probably know where I’m going with this….


This person looks trapped at a glance and thinks that they are. But, when we look closer, we see that this person could easily wriggle free and step out of the cage they think they’re in.


Here’s an activity we do in our Holistic Witchery: 5i Expansion Spiral program:

  1. Draw a little stick figure of yourself surrounded by eight lines (or swords if you’re fancy like that)
  2. On one side of each line write something that you think is keeping you ‘caged’ or feeling stuck
  3. On the other side of each line change your perspective of the situation and write how you can remove that sword/situation/challenge, etc.


We create our swords, Magic Makers.


Want to hear more about this? Listen in to today’s episode of Expedition to Soul and dive into mind magic and the suit of swords.