Have you ever wondered why witches are so obsessed with the moon? Why do we track it? What do we track with it? What does it all meeeaaaannn?!?

There are eight phases and each one represents certain energies and helps us to track our intentions and set goals. The ancients used the moon phases to figure out what time of year it was before there was a calendar. They would use certain moons to figure out what time of year it was, when to harvest, and even when to celebrate being alive.

Aside from different traditions, there are also some great scientific things that happen with the moon phases as well. Each phase of the moon is either a yin phase or a yang phase. Yin phases are a great time to reflect and do an emotional check in. During Yang phases, it is a great time to take action and really go get that thing you are striving for.

If you are interested in learning more and learning what the phases are, check out this video!


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