
A few years ago, I found myself drowning in a sea of resentment, frustration, and negative thoughts. These feelings not only affected my relationships but also seeped into my work and personal life.

At first I yelled and cried and turned to sarcasm and passive aggressive ways of being to handle this. Because, surely, if I was more obvious the people around me would change. 

Spoiler alert: It doesn’t work like that. 

Resentment and Negative Thinking

Resentment is a powerful emotion. It bubbles beneath the surface, coloring our perceptions and interactions. I experienced this firsthand in my marriage, work, and relationships with family members. Negative thoughts became my constant companions, despite my best efforts to remain positive (ahem, toxic positivity gets you nowhere). I often found myself slipping into the very behaviors I wished to avoid, leading to a cycle of self-doubt and frustration.

Understanding the Chakras and Astrology

To break free from this cycle, I turned to tools I teach in Holistic Witchery: astrology and the chakra system. These tools help us understand our energy and how it interacts with the world around us. Specifically, I focused on the solar plexus, heart, and throat chakras, which play crucial roles in our emotional and communicative well-being.

The Solar Plexus Chakra: Your Inner Sun

Located below the rib cage, the solar plexus chakra is our personal sun and confidence center. In astrology and the way we teach the chakras, this chakra aligns with the Sun and Mars. The Sun represents our core identity and confidence, while Mars symbolizes our drive and determination. For me, a Sagittarius Sun, embodying this energy meant embracing my love for learning, expansion, and adventure. When our solar plexus energy is blocked or diminished, we may struggle with negative thoughts about our worth and capabilities.

The Heart Chakra: Unconditional Love

The heart chakra, associated with unconditional love, is aligned with Venus and the Moon in astrology. Venus represents love and beauty, while the Moon governs our emotional and instinctual responses. Negative thinking often stems from conditional love—both for ourselves and others. By understanding our Moon sign, we can better navigate our emotional landscape and cultivate true, unconditional love. Plus, get our expectations in check. 

The Throat Chakra: Communication and Expression

The throat chakra, our communication center, is linked with Mercury, the planet of communication. My Mercury in Sagittarius reflects my need for expansive, big-picture conversations. Negative thoughts often arise when we feel unheard or misunderstood. Understanding our Mercury placement can help us communicate more effectively and reduce negative thought patterns because we develop more grace for how others communicate and become aware of the fact that our thinking and communication style does not suit everyone.



Transforming Negative Thinking with Astrology and Chakras

This painful growth experience led me to the ultimate energetic level-up. I learned to identify and shift negative thoughts by implementing the 5i Spiral framework I teach and was able to expand into a peaceful, confident energy by using tools like astrology and the chakras. Here are some key steps I took:

  1. Recognize Negative Patterns: Acknowledge the presence of negative thoughts without judgment. Understanding their source, whether from past events (recylced responses as I like to call them) or energetic imbalances, is where the shadow work comes in.

  2. Embrace Your Solar Plexus Energy: Cultivate confidence by aligning with the energy of the Sun and Mars. For a Sagittarius, this meant embracing my adventurous spirit and big-picture thinking. Then, releasing the expectation that other people are the same.

  3. Cultivate Unconditional Love: Work on your heart chakra by understanding your Venus and Moon signs. Practice self-love and compassion, recognizing that we all have conditions attached to our love.

  4. Enhance Communication: Improve your throat chakra by aligning with Mercury. Understand your communication style and how it impacts your thoughts and interactions. What is the Mercury sign of the people you communicate with most?

  5. Apply a Framework: Use the 5i Spiral framework from Holistic Witchery to move from chaos to calm and from negative to possibility thinking.

Implementing these practices led to planetary sized changes in my life.

It’s not just me though. One student shared that Holistic Witchery saved her, providing tools to control her thoughts and actions.

Another found more progress in weeks with us than in years of therapy. 

Understanding and aligning your energy with astrology and the chakra system can transform negative thinking and unlock your potential. By recognizing your unique energetic blueprint and applying practical tools, you can create a more empowered, peaceful life.

So, which energy center and astrological combo are you going to dive into first? Make this summer—and your life—buzz with energy and magic.