Today is a New Moon, and I’m not talking Twilight Saga. There are so many fantastic ways for us lady-folk to celebrate this time of reinvention, rebirth, and renewal. This is the perfect time to set intentions and pave the way for awesome to enter your life.

But what about the kids in your life? How can you incorporate the wonder of the New Moon into their lives? Here are three ways to involve your kids in the New Moon festivities:
- Make something together. This is the perfect time to get creative and put something great out into the universe. Maybe you create art, build something, make up a song or dance, or just play a game. Get creative together and take advantage of this season in the moon cycle to strengthen your relationship around art and play.
- Set an intention as a family. Talk to your kids about setting intentions. Maybe their intention is just to enjoy their snacks to the fullest or to be the best helper on the playground. For older kids their intention might be to be grateful for opportunities like education or just to feel good about trying their best at something. You can set a family intention to spend quality time together without distractions. The possibilities are endless! Write them down and release them into the universe for fulfillment.
- Get outside. During this phase of the moon cycle, the sky will be at its darkest. Take your kids outside and explore the darkness! What does Earth sound like at night? What does it smell like? What sounds can be heard and what can be seen? Does the air feel different at night, in the pitch black? Look to the sky and see what you can find. Explore the senses and ask your kids lots of “what” questions. Such a fun way to spend time together!
Tag us on Instagram with your New Moon adventures! Can’t wait to see how you celebrate. #thesistersenchanted

Love these simple, yet amazing activities to honour the new moon. Many thanks for sharing.