The 2021 New Moon in Gemini is happening on June 10 and packs a punch with the addition of a Solar Eclipse.

In Greek Mythology the sign of Gemini represents two twins. One twin was born mortal and the other immortal. To rectify this, Zeus placed the siblings in the sky so that they could be together forever! It’s thought to be a sign of abundance to come to view both twins in the night sky, and, a sure sign of bad luck to spot only one.

Gemini is one of the zodiac signs that catches a lot of grief and negative attention because of the misconception that this sign signifies gossip. The beautiful thing about Gemini energy is that it is curious. Gemini understands that there is more than one side to a story, more than one perspective, and that truth is often a culmination of these varied points of view.

When it comes to the New Moon and Solar Eclipse happening on June 10 take a moment to peek at your own birth chart before you set your intentions. Where is Gemini in your chart? What planets or asteroids are in that sign? What house is it in? This will help you to set your intentions!

The Solar Eclipse energy adds emphasis to new beginnings and unexpected opportunities that begin within. To change your outer world, you must change your inner world. See the Gemini duality at work there?

This New Moon event is happening in my twelfth house right near my Chiron placement. Setting intentions around being heard, healing wounds from not being heard, and voicing my story in a new and exciting way may be the focus of this lunar cycle for me.

Mercury will still be retrograde in Gemini during this New Moon so we also have that going for us!

The opportunity to see your story from a new perspective and turn the page to begin a new chapter is here, are you going to take it?

Check out our latest podcast on this topic!

You can also watch the podcast here on youtube!

We also have a handy tarot spread to use during this astrological event!

Tarot, Gemini, Eclipse, Moon

Want to dive even deeper into your intention setting and the new moon, check out this past blog!

Click here for our podcast on new moon rituals!

We also have a podcast on waxing moon phases!