We begin another lunar cycle anew! This coming new moon is in Leo, a fire sign! Having the moon in a fire sign signifies both creation and destruction. Fire signs are very actionable, which means now is a time to set your intentions around that fiery “let’s do this” energy! This is a great time for creativity, passion, and sexuality. Passionate, superficial relationships can experience some heat during this time which may very likely fizzle out as the moon moves out of a fire sign.  

The fire signs begin with Aries, move through Leo, and end in Sagittarius. This means that we’re in the middle ground! We have enough fiery energy to take action and to focus on this drive! Setting intentions to move through this moon cycle regarding passion, creativity, or leadership are going to be especially well received! When setting an intention for this moon cycle, make sure its something that you want! Check out our podcast episode about why intentions fail for some key tips! Click here!

Leo also rules over the sun and the sun is our ego! Ego tends to have a bit of a negative connotation behind it, but the truth is that everyone has an ego and everyone needs it, too! Its only when our ego becomes overconfident that it becomes shrouded in shadow and can become an issue to us. Leo energy is synonymous with leadership energy as well. Leo energy is confident and dependable, making them natural leaders.  

During this time is also when the Lions Gate Portal is activated. What is a Portal in terms of Astrology?  

Portal: An interdimensional gateway, wormhole, or bridge of energy that opens into other realities, including the astral plane, far reaches of physical space, and alternate parallel universes.  

The Lions Gate Portal is formed when the sun is in Leo and the star Sirius rises, and it peaks on 8/8, or the eighth day of the eighth month, August. All this celestial energy combines to form a “portal” in which high vibrational energy can flow through the physical and spiritual realms. In the wake of this strong, potent spiritual and celestial energy, you can do some serious energy and manifestation work! What can be expected during the Lionsgate Portal? You can expect a supercharge of creativity and passion!  

The eighth day of the eighth month is highly spiritually charged in numerology. The number eight represents infinity, power, abundance, and higher consciousness.  

Sirius is known as our spiritual sun and one of the brightest stars in our sky. While our physical sun illuminates our sky and our earth, Sirius illuminates our souls and our infinite consciousnesses. The Rising of Sirius the star was revered in ancient civilizations, namely Egypt. Ancient Egypt was especially in tune with Sirius, as they believed Sirius was the path to heaven and the home to higher beings. They believed that Sirius held wisdom, and during this time they could harness that wisdom. The Egyptians even built their pyramids in line with Sirius, so during the Lions Gate Portal season, Sirius was lined up right above the tips of the pyramids. Other ancient tribes that revered Sirius are the Mayans, Sumerians, Dogans, and Babylonians to name a few.  

Leo rules the fifth house of pleasure. The fifth house governs self-expression, creativity, attention, love and play! Being creative is something that we can derive lots of pleasure from- hence, our fifth house being the house of pleasure and creativity. Let’s take this even further- romance and emotional pleasures are also found in this house. Romance isn’t the only way we receive emotional satisfaction. We receive emotional pleasure and satisfaction from taking risks as well- like gambling on money, love or life. The idea of the risk is worth the potentially pleasurable outcome is what we see here. As our fifth house rules over fun and games as well, its rife with pleasure! Children are also seen as a creative pleasure in our fifth house, as oftentimes we create our children, smaller versions of ourselves, and watch them grow into their own creative beings. Many of us find it pleasurable to give all the good that we have to give to our children, in raising them and caring for them. Truly an honorable and satisfactory pursuit in finding pleasure.  

Let’s talk examples!

We’ve all seen The Lion King, right? Well, think of Mufasa. Mufasa is our well known, well loved king. He is confident, he is fair, all the animals in the pride lands depend and rely on him. Mufasa is an example of Leo in its best form. He is humble, strong and fair. He is willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good and for his child, his creation, his extension of self. Then, we have Scar. Scar embodies the shadow aspects of Leo. His ego has been fanned too much and he thinks extremely highly of himself. Scar, rather than checking his ego and conquering his inner “beasts,” to strengthen himself, chose to marinate in his negativity and his feeling of superiority. Then we have Simba, who lands somewhere between Mufasa and Scar. He blames himself for Mufasa’s death and that struck a blow to his ego, his confidence. So rather than having an inflated ego like Scar, or a healthy dose of dependability like his father, Simba’s ego became malnourished. During this time, Simba lost his way and had to learn how to find his inner Leo strength again! Only once he was able to find his strength again did he have the confidence to face off against Scar and fill the shoes of his well-loved, dependable father. 

Check out the podcast on the Leo Full Moon here!
You can also watch the podcast here on youtube!
Check out our New Moon in Leo Tarot Spread!
leo new moon, the sisters enchanted, tarot spread
Here is the abundance spread Sara mentions in the podcast!
abundance tarot spread, the sisters enchanted