Another New Moon is upon us, witches! This coming New Moon is in Virgo, an earth sign. When the moon is in an earth sign, it’s important to work on grounding yourself to find calm in the chaos that this lunar cycle may bring! This is also a great time to set intentions surrounding health and wellness, stability, and security.

How we deal with our fears and shortcomings in times of crises can help us learn and define who we are as a person.

Virgo rules the sixth house of self service. What does this entail? A few things! This house includes your insecurities and imperfections, your health, and services for yourself. In maintaining good health, we need to be able to cope with our own shortcomings. How we deal with our fears and shortcomings in times of crises can help us learn and define who we are as a person. Facing these fears with our heads held high can help us come out the other end significantly stronger than when we started.

The sixth house of Virgo also includes service work. To keep showing up for the people that rely on you, be that your employees, employers, anyone else who depends on you, you need to be healthy! This lunar cycle would be a great time to set an intention to assess your diet and lifestyle and what you can do to improve your health.

Our sixth house also includes some day-to-day decision making.

Furthermore, the work we do on ourselves is essential. In order to advance to being the best version of yourself, you have to experience personal growth, right? Duty and responsibility are part of this personal growth in your sixth house! During times of emotional or physical challenges, crises of faith, etc. its important that we come out the other side swinging! Take the time that you need to heal from stressful life events. We can’t be our fully realized selves with wounds that need attention, and that’s okay! To be our best, happiest selves requires work and we all must do that work!  

Our sixth house also includes some day-to-day decision making. What will I wear today? Did I remember to water the plants? How should I do my hair? All these minute daily decisions culminate in getting our brains ready for the more intense work to come!

So, what are some things you can do to celebrate this New Moon in Virgo? Here are some ideas!  

      • Use the earthy energy to get to know the tarot cards associated with earth signs! Whip out your journal and use your intuition!
          • The Suit of Pentacles 
          • The Devil
          • The Emperor 
          • The Empress 
          • The World 
      • Do some work on your root chakra! You may find that your root chakra is unbalanced if you’re feeling an attachment to material things, or if you’re feeling jealous or greedy and a constant wanting of “more.” Physical symptoms can include digestive troubles, lower back pain, and ailments of the lower body. How can you balance your root chakra? 
          • Get outside! Feel the grass beneath your feet, dance around, truly ground yourself!  Doing some yoga outside, going for a hike, or even outdoor meditations are all great ways to help balance your root chakra!
      • Work with crystals! Here are a few that are great for earthly energy! 
          • Agate 
          • Green Jade 
          • Green Tourmaline 
          • Jasper 
          • Malachite 
          • Onyx 
          • Obsidian 
          • Black Tourmaline 
      • If you’re into spell work, consider using some earthly colored candles or the above crystals in your spells! Spells for money, abundance, animals, strength, grounding, and protecting will perform especially well with this earthly Virgo energy!
      • Check out our New Moon in Virgo Tarot Spread for yourself!
virgo new moon spread

This lunar cycle also includes Mabon, commonly referred to also as the Witches’ Thanksgiving, and the Autumn Equinox, which is the day that officially marks the beginning of the dark months! The Autumn Equinox is the day of equal light and dark that marks the transition from the long sunshine-y days of summer, to the ever-shortening windswept days of autumn and the coming winter.

This means the witch’s season is officially upon us! The festival of Mabon is named for the Welsh God, Mabon- the child of light and son of the Earth Mother Goddess Modron! Start planning those Mabon celebrations, as the Autumn Equinox will grace us with its presence on September 22 in the Northern Hemisphere! Don’t worry, we’ll get you more Mabon goodness a little bit closer to that time!