With the New Moon next week I thought it would be a great idea to pull this one from The Sisters Enchanted Vault (it’s kind of like the Disney vault, but way more witchy). The New Moon is a time for setting intentions and manifesting them. There are many ways you can do this, whether that is journaling, creating a book of shadows page, or simply just writing an affirmation on a post it note in your home.

In this video below, we talk about casting a circle and letting go of things that are no longer serving you and planting your intention seeds.

What you will need (remember this is a suggestion, always use what feels best for you):

Black candle (great for protection) or White candle (universal)

Crystal/Candle/etc. that is going to signify release and letting go for you

Piece of paper

Something to write with

Grab your supplies and check out the video for your New Moon ritual!