The Sun entering Capricorn  brings us Yule, the traditional start to the New Year. However, New Moons are always a time of new beginnings and so the Capricorn New Moon is a great time to mark the beginning of your New Year, what you plan to make of it and all the things you want to bring forth within it. This is the time to set those year ahead intentions but you don’t need to rush to get moving on them straight away!

This is the darkest time of the year, a time when, energetically, we should be pausing and taking a minute to think about the year gone by, what our deepest dreams and yearnings are, what our greatest potential is.

This is time to begin to make plans but not to rush too fast without thinking things through. To slow down and take a minute before acting.

During this time,  you may find yourself feeling less impulsive than you normally are- this is totally normal! Use this time and energy to plan what you need to plan to bring yourself success in the coming month!

Capricorn New Moon Intentions: Focus on an intention to help you plan a big goal for the New Year, to achieve your ambitions.

Herbs for the Capricorn New Moon: Barley, Comfrey, Skullcap, Witch Hazel, Green

Crystals for the Capricorn New Moon: Green Fluorite, Azurite, Labradorite

Ideas and Rituals for the Capricorn New Moon:

Take on a new, practical project in our earthly realm! Be it a home project, a work project, or a personal project. Really plan it out, work out all the details, and prepare yourself for the work ahead! 

Use the Capricorn energy to really work out what needs to be done.

Capricorn New Moon Tarot Spread