
      How many times have you set a goal only to have the whole thing pass you by and never actually accomplish it? This happens to EVERYONE at some point in life and it’s a safe bet that there wasn’t a super solid plan in place to actually make that thing happen. 

If you are a spiritual business owner or have hopes and dreams of getting your own magical brand of goodness out into the world, you need a plan. As a person who has a million ideas and would definitely classify myself as a grand visionary, I can relate to having all the ideas and not getting anything done. 

Dialing in on one thing, one imperative item, and creating a plan to get it done is the first step to success. So, whether you want to be an all-star Tarot reader, create magical wares, or teach your favorite magical healing technique to the world, step back and make a plan. 


     You’ve decided that you want to try and create an income with a little side hustle or want to quit your muggle job altogether and go all-in on creating a business that you are excited about. 

     You’ve made a plan and outlined your idea or started making your products. 

     But, you’ve got no idea what to expect. How to know if your thing will sell or how many people might actually buy it? How to know how much time you should put in or if people actually want it? 

      Starting to track things like audience numbers, prospective buyers, active participants, and conversion rates allow you to see into the future and make a solid prediction. 

      You know how Professor Trewlaney in Harry Potter basically only makes two accurate prophecies in her entire life but they are the juiciest of prophecies ever? That can basically be you, except with a better accuracy rate, once you learn how to look at numbers and then act on your knowledge. 



      A spoonful of this, a dash of that, and with a wave of your wand you’ve got a super successful and abundant magical business!

      If only that were the case. 

      While I won’t be teaching the craft of potion-making in my upcoming free class, I WILL be teaching you some super easy to follow and super important business basics that are basically recipes for success. These practical potions are all about research, numbers, and identifying your unique strengths so that you can create a business that gets you excited and brings more of your glorious energy to the world around you. 

      Bring your most magical pen, take some notes, and get excited to conjure up some plans, prophecies, and potions as we explore the world of business enchantment.