
Betrayal—a word that instantly brings to mind stories of being wronged by others. Whether it’s from high school heartbreaks or adulthood disappointments, we’ve all felt the sting of betrayal. 

Let’s flip the script and dive into a different kind of betrayal: self-betrayal. The moments when we fail ourselves, break our promises, and create internal conflicts. 

Why do we do this? What drives us to stray from our true selves?

Let’s start by redefining betrayal. Traditionally, betrayal is exposing (one’s country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy. secrets to an enemy or exposing someone to danger. But betrayal is not just about treacherously giving away information; it’s also about self-sabotage, ignoring our inner voice, and going against our gut feelings. 

When we linger in the wrong places, stay in stagnant situations, and make choices that lead to unhappiness and anxiety, we are betraying ourselves.

We break the trust and confidence we have in ourselves, creating internal conflicts and psychological turmoil. We know we’re not living our truth, and that realization is painful.

So why do we do it? Fear of failure, fear of letting others down, fear of disappointment, fear of the unknown—all these fears contribute to self-betrayal. 

We turn to meditation, future self-visualization, or grab a piece of citrine for abundance. But can these tools help us if we’re aware of our self-betrayal and do nothing about it? Probably not, because our power makes the tool powerful, and without reclaiming our power, the tools remain just objects.

Whenever we reach for a tool to solve a problem, it’s important to acknowledge how we got to where we are and visualize the path forward. 

Self-betrayal often comes in the form of self-sabotage, when we want to try something new but find countless reasons why we can’t. Over-validating our limitations is a subtle form of self-betrayal. We don’t consciously think about betraying ourselves, but we must actively look for signs.

Here are three steps to stop betraying yourself and start living in alignment with your true self:

💫Get Clear on How You Want to Feel

This might sound obvious, but it’s crucial. If you don’t know how you want to feel, you’ll struggle to make choices that align with your true desires. 

If you want to feel like a leader, any action you take that makes you feel powerless is a form of self-betrayal. If you want to feel like a goddess but choose actions that make you feel the opposite, you’re betraying yourself.

💫Get Clear on What You Are Willing to Do to Feel That Way

We all have goals, dreams, and intentions, but are we willing to do what it takes to achieve them? This is a hard question, but an important one. 

Are you willing to change your habits, schedule, or lifestyle to feel the way you want? 

If you want a clutter-free home but are unwilling to declutter, you’ll continue to feel frustrated. It’s about being honest with yourself about what you are willing to do.

💫Anchor Yourself to That Feeling with Tools

Here’s where the power of metaphysical tools comes in. Crystals, magical talismans, and candles can serve as anchors, tethering you to your desired feelings. If you want to feel confident, carry a sunstone or orange calcite to remind you of your goal. 

Use these tools to reinforce your connection to your desired feelings and the actions you’re willing to take.

If you want to feel healthy and radiant, what are you willing to do to achieve that?  Are you ready to set boundaries around your eating habits and be mindful of your food choices? 

Another aspect of self-betrayal is the energy we waste on things we’ll never actually pursue. 

If you’re flexing your spiritual practices but not trusting yourself, you’re giving away your power. 

It’s about bringing that power back to you and using your tools consciously to support your journey.

Identify your enemies—not people, but circumstances or behaviors that act against your best interests. When you get clear on how you want to feel and what you’re willing to do to feel that way, you stop betraying yourself. 

You reclaim your power and align your actions with your true desires. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about being aware and intentional with your choices.

If you want support on your journey, whether practical or metaphysical, reach out to us. Our Holistic Witchery program is designed to help you grow in your practice and step into your power. It’s a combination of metaphysical knowledge and empowered thinking, helping you become the beacon of your own life.

Remember, self-betrayal is something we all experience, but with awareness and intentional actions, we can stop betraying ourselves and live in alignment with our true selves.