As I dove into learning astrology, I learned a lot about all things astrological, obviously. But the one thing that was the hardest for me to grasp was the Rising sign. What does it mean? Why is it relevant? How can I incorporate that knowledge into my life moving forward?
Let’s talk a little bit about your Sun sign versus your Rising sign. And maybe even throw a little bit of Moon sign in there.

So what the heck is a Rising sign?
The Rising sign (also known as the ascendant) is where the first house starts, and the houses are where everything physically takes place in our lives. But the first house and the Rising sign, they are the cover for our book, how we appear, how we view the world, how the world views us. It’s the lens we choose to wear to see the world.
The Sun sign (or your Zodiac sign) is our outward expression. It’s how we want the world to look and how we want it to be. We can tell from our Rising the way that we view the world, and from our Sun, the way we want the world to be and how well we are able to be ourselves.
A rising sign can also show itself in how you look. For instance, a Gemini rising may use their hands a lot to communicate, a Scorpio rising may have intense eyes.
Lastly, the Moon is your inside, your emotional reactions.
The Moon is your reaction to whether or not your Sun is secure with your Rising sign. And if it is, then it’s happy and you’re safe and secure. If it’s not, then you may be feeling off in your emotions.
Your rising sign plays a huge part in how you go about your life. It’s how you choose to navigate your day to day happenings. Your sun sign is who you aspire to be, but the rising sign is the kind of like the outfit you wear to get that first impression.
If you were ever in doubt about if you were like your Zodiac sign, find out your rising sign, you might be surprised how much it suits you 🙂
Are you interested in learning more? Be sure to get on the Holistic Witchery waitlist so you don’t miss any details on our Holistic Witchery and Expedition Astrology Certification enrollment happening soon!
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