With the Sagittarius Full Moon comes the desire to get adventurous! In a Gemini lunar cycle we may find ourselves wanting to escape from all the ‘talking it out’ and just have some fun. Give yourself permission to do just this. 

Scroll down for a Tarot Spread to use and below that a Sagittarius Full Moon Spell.

Sagittarius Full Moon

Here’s a Tarot Spell for you to try with the Sagittarius Full Moon using a candle and a tarot deck:

  •  Begin by thinking about what you want to bring into your life and what you need to release to make space for it.
  • Write a list of steps to take to make this happen and pull a card for each step.
  • With the cards in front of you in order of the steps you need to take, light your candle and visualize yourself walking through the card and completing each phase as you move along.
  • At the end, see and feel yourself accommplishing your goal and bringing the thing into your life that you set out to manifest and make space for. Allow your candle to burn about halfway down and snuff it out.
  • Leave these cards on your sacred space or where you can see them through the end of the lunar cycle. Before the New Moon, repeat the process while burning the rest of your candle and allowing it to burn all the way down. And so it is!