With the New moon in Sagittarius, it is the perfect time to set out on your next adventure!
Whether that adventure is big like taking a trip, moving somewhere new, starting a new job, or going back to school, or, a bit smaller like thinking about that new project, finding your motivation, or cleaning your house, now is the time!
This Sagittarius New Moon is the perfect time to take the arrow up from the quiver, aim, and hit the target you’ve been looking for. This fire sign does not mess around. Sagittarius is a no-nonsense, get up, and get shit done energy. If you have been lacking in motivation now is the time to soak up some of the new moon rays and infuse your soul with some Sagittarius fire.
Get down to the bottom of what’s been tripping you up, set a new intention, and make a straight forward plan on how to get from A to B. Here’s a New Moon in Sagittarius spread to help you along the way!

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