Lunar Samhain is sometimes considered to be the New Moon in Scorpio and sometimes the Full Moon closest to the calendar day of Samhain, October 31. Some in the Celtic tradition consider this to be the Witches’ New Year while others consider Yule to be the New Year. 

Today was a rainy, windy, dark day here in Connecticut where I call home and it seems fitting for the New Moon in Scorpio. The darkness and transformation must not want to go unnoticed. 

Leaning into the hidden aspects of Self and feeling the spaces that were once full of life and joy that are now lacking or seem distant memories is a natural practice at this time of year. Diving into a tarot spread or slowing down to listen to your spirit guides during as the wheel spins and the seasons change allows you to create space for all that is unfolding within.

While we hear about honoring our ancestors at Samhain, we must remember to honor these past versions of Self. The pieces that seem to have floated away or snuck off when we weren’t looking. Place something on your ancestor altar for yourself this Samhain and remember to bring this piece of you to the table. 

My friend and Master Herbalist Erin LaFaive was chatting with our community today about the bits and pieces of the earth that stir magic in us. The fallen leaves, crumbling bark, questionable berries. Grabbing a basket and immersing yourself in the magic that is your local and natural environment is another way to breathe in the shift of seasons and explore the portal that is Samhain season. 

Bring the elements that speak to you inside and place them on your ancestor altar to honor the nature and earth spirits and elementals that protect and nurture the land that you inhabit just as you’d honor your ancestors from this earthly plane. 

Your Samhain ancestor altar is a space for reflection, gratitude, and paying tribute to all that paved the way for your existence today. Whether you celebrate Samhain, Lunar Samhain, or just the season at large, lean into the dark spaces, the grief, the reflection. Allow a piece of yourself or your life die away that is no longer needed. 

Blessed Samhain, Enchanted Ones!