With this new moon in Scorpio πŸ¦‚ combined with Lunar Samhain; take some time to go through these journal prompts to reflect on an area of life that needs deep transformation.

1️⃣ What do I need to put to a final ending, a death? 🏁 Think about what in your life needs a complete closure.

2️⃣ What lessons can I take from this and be thankful for? πŸ™ Reflect on the positive takeaways and lessons learned.

3️⃣ What new life can be born from finally letting this go? 🌱 Imagine the new opportunities that can arise.

πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ Find a quiet, relaxing place. Light some candles πŸ”₯, grab a stone πŸͺ¨, maybe burn some incense. 🌺 Listen to something that relaxes you. 🎡 Take out a piece of paper and pen πŸ–‹οΈ, write down and reflect on what you have written from these prompts.

πŸ‘‰And don’t forget to check out the Scorpio New Moon podcast!Β 

Click here to listen in or Click here to watch the Youtube video!