
With this new moon in Scorpio 🦂 combined with Lunar Samhain; take some time to go through these journal prompts to reflect on an area of life that needs deep transformation.

1️⃣ What do I need to put to a final ending, a death? 🏁 Think about what in your life needs a complete closure.

2️⃣ What lessons can I take from this and be thankful for? 🙏 Reflect on the positive takeaways and lessons learned.

3️⃣ What new life can be born from finally letting this go? 🌱 Imagine the new opportunities that can arise.

🧘‍♀️ Find a quiet, relaxing place. Light some candles 🔥, grab a stone 🪨, maybe burn some incense. 🌺 Listen to something that relaxes you. 🎵 Take out a piece of paper and pen 🖋️, write down and reflect on what you have written from these prompts.

👉And don’t forget to check out the Scorpio New Moon podcast! 

Click here to listen in or Click here to watch the Youtube video!