Scorpio New Moon November 4th 2021 

Samhain, the New Year – Deep communication, constructive relationships and a some truths to face  

Happy New Year! 

Happy Samhain and Happy New Year Witches! The last harvest has been gathered, it is time to give thanks for its abundance and to our ancestors who have passed on their knowledge and skills in order for us to grow and gather throughout the year in all we have done and achieved. 

With the November Scorpio New Moon comes both a new Lunar month and a new Lunar year. So, what’s happening in the skies to influence us at this time as we reflect on the year past and look and plan ahead to the year to be? 

Scorpio loves things hidden and esoteric

Uncertainty as the wheel turns, but do not fear! It won’t last long! 

As the wheel turns into a New Year, the Sun will be Opposite Uranus, bringing us a tug of war between our Ego and our perception of ourselves in the world and Uranus’ unpredictability, sudden change and rebellion. This may bring a chaotic start to the new Lunar month and year, with things not going as planned, upheavals, sudden changes, pivots and cancellations in all areas of life. 

Fear not! This will only last a couple of days and relative calm should have returned by the weekend. The best way to ride this brief storm is to be flexible and open minded to the changes and know that the feelings of uncertainty that come with this transit will not last more than a couple of days.  

Mercury in Scorpio can bring us passion and intensity in our thoughts and communications.

Think deeply and get down to business 

Friday 5th November, the day after the New Year, will bring an energy shift for us as two planets move into new signs. Mercury will join the Scorpio season party and Venus moves into Capricorn.  

Mercury in Scorpio can bring us passion and intensity in our thoughts and communications – we will think deeply, be driven to probe deeply to get to the truth and anything hidden from our immediate perception in our communications. It can be hard to make decisions during this time as we will want to know everything first and think about things deeply first. At the same time, our thoughts could be very heavily by our deep passions. Scorpio loves things hidden and esoteric so this is a great time to use divination to communicate with your deep, unconscious self and other unseen realms. Remember, the veil between the seen and unseen is thin at this time of year. 

Venus in Capricorn can bring us a sense of seriousness and getting down to business when it comes to getting our finances straight and also about our relationships. This is a great time to develop relations with work colleagues and business partners and get down to serious work together. For creative and artistic people, this can also bring an interest and enhanced talent in structure and form in your projects and in getting down to work in seeing a creative project come into being. 

These two planets are Sextile with each other, meaning they are flowing well into each other as they settle down into these new energies. This weekend of 6th and 7th November, inro Monday, will be a great few daysfor collaborations – especially in areas you are passionate about, in all things deep and esoteric and in anything artistic. Building relationships and getting seriously down into these kinds of tasks together could bring some results that you can be super proud of. 

Remember, the veil between the seen and unseen is thin at this time of year. 

Time to face your truth about your thoughts, words and actions! 

Capricorn’s planet, Saturn, is throwing us some interesting challenges and food for thought as we come into this New Lunar Year. The planet of truth and responsibility is squaring up with Mars, our will, drive and motivation ,and Mercury, our logical thoughts and communication. Saturn will be asking us to face our truth about what motivates us, how driven we are, what we have achieved in the last year, what will motivate us in the coming year and our drive and actions to get things done. It will asking us to face up to the same with regards to our thoughts and communications.  

Facing our truth can be uncomfortable but Saturn does this with love, to teach and guide us. A Saturn driven audit in these two important planets that drive our inner mind and our achievements is no bad thing as we reflect back on the last twelve months and prepare to have the best intentional, intuitive and magical life we can muster in the year ahead. 

Pluto rules Scorpio and its Sextile with the Scorpio Sun will bring us even deeper intensity and passion and a deep urge to explore what is hidden deep within us, learn some lessons and transform.

Expansion and Shadow Work 

As we approach the Gemini Full Moon, the Sun moves into a square with Jupiter and a Sextile with Pluto.   

Jupiter expands all it touches and any aspect it makes with the Sun can help bring us abundance by pointing us towards the opportunities that come when we expand our horizons, expand our ideas of what is possible and try new things and more ways to have a more prosperous life in all areas, not just our finances.  

Squares always bring us challenges though and with Sun Square Jupiter we need to make sure we don’t take on too much and spread ourselves, our talents, our creativity and our energy too thinly.  

Pluto rules Scorpio and its Sextile with the Scorpio Sun will bring us even deeper intensity and passion and a deep urge to explore what is hidden deep within us, learn some lessons and transform. This is a great time for shadow work to really see what is getting in the way of your Lunar intention for this cycle and things that may get in the way of really living intentionally through this coming New Year. Have a deep dive and then let go of this on the Gemini Full Moon. 

Check out the podcast on the Scorpio New Moon here!
Watch the podcast on the Scorpio New Moon here!

Anna, (Left) and Sara of The Sisters Enchanted