If you’ve spent any amount of time searching the internet or flipping through books looking for Tarot spreads, you may have noticed that there are often sooo many variations of the same spread!

While this may seem like more work and add confusion to an already confusing learning experience, it’s actually not such a big deal!

Different Tarot readers may use slightly different approaches. Similarly, different decks may be better suited to slightly different spreads. The trick is to find the spread that works for YOU. That’s all that matters!

Often, it is the number of the card positions or the card meanings that vary. When searching for a spread that will work for you, keep these factors in mind:

  • Which card meanings are most relevant to you?
  • Look at the card positioning/order in which they are laid out. Which tells a story that makes the most sense for you?
  • When looking at the meaning of the cards positions, look for phrases or words that empower you and encourage you to see your reading in a positive light that will encourage you to take action and move forward.

Here are some signs that you should avoid a specific spread or particular version of a spread:

  • The spread or words used to describe the positions are so confusing that you get a negative vibe straight away.
  • You gave the spread a shot and couldn’t get a fluid reading or one that really makes sense for you.
  • This one is really my opinion-If the spread seems to be “directing” you (seems really cut and dry, or like the positions are telling you what to do more than guiding you) then I would look for one that is more inviting and open-ended.

So, the next time you run into multiple versions of the same spread and your head starts spinning, just know that there is no one right way! Pick the one that works for you and that makes you feel great when reading. Easy peasy!