Don’t we all just want to be psychic witches?! Okay, well maybe not all of us.

BUT, there are so many benefits to incorporating a little psychic magic into our witchery! Today we are going to talk about two herbs that work super well for helping us to receive the messages and pyschic and intuitive insights that we need to be hearing and just might be missing.

First up: Mugwort!


Mugwort definitely has one of those super witchy names that you’d imagine a disney witch dumping into a cauldron while hopping from foot to foot and cackling. #truth

This not-fancy-at-all herb packs a magical punch and has many practical benefits including being antimicrobial! It’s metaphysical rap sheet includes lunar, protective, and psychic dream properties that make it a key herb in any witches’ cabinet. 

Lemon Balm

Next up to bat is Lemon Balm!

This is another magical herb that can will get lots of traction in any magical cubbard. With associations to the Moon and Neptune, lemon balm is absolutely perfect to work with when trying to elevate those pyschic intuitive skills. The Moon is related to your intuition and subconscious and Neptune is basically a mind altering substance at a rave (ha!). 

Both lemon balm and mugwort can be used in teas, on candles, as sprinklings on altars and gifts to the earth. Create a satchel of these herbs and place them in your pillow case or hang it in an in-between space to invite in more opportunity to hear what your higher self is bringing through. 

Another fun thing to do is make ‘wax coins’ by dripping candle wax onto little pinches of these herbs. You can melt these in a wax burner or just scatter them about your divinitation or sleeping space. 

If you want to learn more about incorporating herbs into your life in a practical way, be sure to check out the Herbal Academy! They are hosting a back to school sale right now and are offering 25% off of their popular herbalism courses.