Meet Amber

Amber has been a community member here at The Sisters Enchanted for a year and has just graduated from Expedition Astrology! Check out what Amber has to say about our courses and being part of our community.

I have had an interest in all things magical for as long as I can remember. I was always the “weird” kid. My mom for sure encouraged that individuality as she would take me on trips to places that were more “woo woo” at a young age. I was raised in a very religious and conservative family (and area) and was made to go to a Christian school until 6th grade. I always knew there was something else for me that would feel more true to who I am.

I remember when the first Harry Potter came out, I was about Harry’s age, and I wanted a Hogwarts letter so badly! I bought my first tarot deck at a Saturday’s Market in my area when I was still in highschool. I remember doing readings for myself in my bedroom every night and being shocked at how accurate it sometimes was. I was always “the zodiac” person. I always followed the horoscopes, and my first tattoo was the Virgo symbol for my Sun sign. I’ve also always had a love for the Moon.

It always felt so magical and now with Holistic Witchery and Expedition Astrology it makes a LOT more sense as to why that was. I’ve also always had that sense of “just knowing” things. Again, learning Astrology helped me understand why that comes so easy for me.

Student feature, the sisters enchanted

I have been following TSE since Spring of 2020, so just over a year now. I was introduced to TSE through a fellow community member that I went to school with. It started with Expedition to Soul and the Shadow Work classes. This came at a time in my life (turns out it was my Saturn Return) where a lot of things were going on. I had lost a family member just a few months before and I was not handling it well. I was in a bad way and needed to do some real soul searching, and I am thankful that she gave me the information that led to this community.

I enrolled in the Tarot Throwdown shortly after the Shadow work and Expedition to Soul classes. Shortly after that the enrollment for Holistic Witchery and Expedition Astrology came up and I decided to say YOLO and enrolled for both of those as well. There’s no way I was going to pass on an official Astrology course! There are definitely more classes I’d love to take in the future as well!

I really enjoy this community, it’s like a no judgement area. It’s really comforting to know there is a place that I can go to if I have a “weird” question or had a really awesome experience with something magical. I know if I post something, someone within the community will have knowledge, resources, or just plain excitement for the experience as well.

I have met some really amazing people in this community that have turned into friendships and that also feels so good. It helps validate my witchiness and builds up my confidence to try different magical things. I definitely feel more comfortable in my own skin and letting my “freak flag” fly as freely as I care to wave it on any given day. I feel more in tune with my intuition and can see when my shadow side starts playing in. I am a lot less reactive to things that drain my energies and am much better at trying things that will raise my energy.

I love that the courses are always running and that teachers are constantly ready to help. It’s not like you spent the money, have the content, and are just on your own. You have people that are here to help and continue teaching and updating as time goes on. The material does not get stale. Have I mentioned how AWESOME the Halloween Class-a-Thon is? A full day or 2 of education, magic, community, and entertainment.

student feature, the sisters enchanted

We asked Amber to give us a pro tip for anyone feeling that they are lacking magic…

One of the things I’ve learned over time is that it is OK to be a different person. If people cannot digest you as you are when you feel your best self, that is not for you to take on. Be authentic and your people will find you. If you want to sit on your porch with a candle and some flowers and listen to chants because it’s important to you, do it! Who cares what the neighbors think. If it makes your heart and soul feel joy, do it.

<—–Amber and her fun loving mom!

An interesting fact to get to know Amber better

I took dance classes when I was younger, I did hip hop for about 10 years as well as some Tap classes. I thought I wanted to be a dancer for music videos. I would learn all the choreography so I could perform it when the song came on. I also did color guard in middle school and highschool band. Yes, I am a band geek! I LOVE to sing. I have a very eclectic musical taste that ranges from Disney movie soundtracks to musicals, to country, hip hop, to rock. So if you enjoy obnoxious singing, music, marching band ,dancing, trivia, or improv I’m your girl!