Meet Arynette

Which programs is Arynette enrolled in and how have they changed her life to date?

I am in the Tarot Throwdown, Holistic Witchery, An Enchanted Journey and Living Your Lunar Year.  
I was drawn to Holistic Witchery because I am practicing Witchery more and more in my life and it is becoming a bigger part of my life.  I was eager to learn more about it and now that  I am, I am just loving it!  Also, I loved the self reflection and self growth work we did in Tarot Throwdown and the deeper connection I gained with myself as a result.  I wanted to continue that journey in Holistic Witchery.  
Yes, a change has definitely occurred in my life, outlook and spiritual path since starting the class.  I am more honest with myself after doing both more Lightwork and Shadow work.  Through that I have been able to identify the bad habits that do not serve me and are blocking my path and have been able to work towards changing them.  A big one is my bad 

habit of procrastination.  I am getting my life and my schedule more organized and becoming more focused and motivated.  This is creating space for amazing opportunities to open up in my life that serve my true purpose.  I am also learning to trust my intuition more, which has been greatly beneficial. 

We asked Arynette to share a pro-tip for anyone feeling like they’re lacking in their magic

The only thing I can say is what I do for myself.  Everyday I find at least one thing to be grateful for, even if it’s the tiniest thing.   Finding things to be grateful for instead of things to complain about or be unhappy about changes your perspective of life.  This is very magical to me and I find it brings magic into my life.  Also, know, trust and believe that there is magic all around you and in all things (the air, the rain, leaves, the birds, the moon,etc.) including yourself.  Magic has a peculiar way of presenting itself to those who believe in it and seek it.

An interesting fact about Arynette!

I have a very loud and distinctive laugh.  It could identify me better than my fingerprints could.  I have often heard, throughout my life, people say, “I knew Arynette was here because I heard her laugh,” before they even see me.  One of my friends calls it the Kraken laugh, like, “Release the Kraken!” 

Want to keep up with Arynette? Follow her business page here!