Meet Candie

Candie has been a community member here at The Sisters Enchanted since 2018! Check out what Candie has to say about being a part of our courses and community!

I am so grateful for The Sisters Enchanted and I have been with them for quite a few years now. I recently graduated from Holistic Witchery, I am a member of The Enchanted Journey, I am currently enrolled in Expedition Astrology and Viking Magic, and I’ve taken every free class since I’ve been involved with TSE.  I was drawn to Holistic Witchery because I wanted to learn how to dive deep into myself and explore all the ways to be my best and live my greatest life. For years I ignored my interests and true beliefs but once I found TSE it was like being home after a long and difficult adventure. I really love all of the information we are given, the lessons we are taught and the guidance we are given. This has truly been the light in the darkness for me. Since I found TSE I left a job that was not at all good for me mentally or emotionally and I started a job that I absolutely love! Since I have to work, it pretty much is my dream job. I’ve moved to East Tennessee, which is one of my favorite places to be. I recently purchased my own home, by myself, and I’m so proud of it! I volunteer for a few different organizations. I pretty much do what I want, when I want. I’ve learned to forgive others, and most importantly, myself. I trust myself more. I don’t have a problem saying no anymore or walking 

away from anyone or anything that does not nourish my soul. I am more comfortable with tarot cards, a pendulum, listening to my intuition and I wake up everyday full of gratitude. I have not only become a better witch, but a better human. 

We asked Candie to give us a pro tip for anyone feeling that they are lacking magic…

If you feel you are lacking magic in your life, do the thing that scares you most. Start small, but start. Cook with intention. Sit outside and feel the world around you. Journal. Meditate. These little things become the big things as they become habits. Order that book you’ve wanted but were afraid people would think poorly of you. Light those candles and set those intentions. Take that class! If you think you can’t afford it then you won’t be able to. However if it is something you really want, you’ll find a way to make it work. Study about that deity, god, goddess, myth or legend that you can’t stop thinking about. They’re calling to you for a reason. You can be unstoppable once you spread your wings and trust yourself to fly. 

An interesting fact to get to know Candie better?

An interesting fun fact about me? I think there are many!  I will make it a small list though.  I am a United States Marine. I have been a single mom for 18 years, my son is 20. I was an ultra marathon runner and then became a body builder. I am a regional manager for Volvo Cars US. One of 2 women in the aftersales field. I have done some really cool things, attempted, failed and succeeded at a lot, but am truly thankful for this life.