Meet Cécile Charlton!

      Cécile is a student in our Enchanted Journey, Holistic Witchery, Expedition Astrology programs and has been such a joy to get to know!

      Here is what she has to say about Holistic Witchery and Expedition Astrology:

      “They have brought big changes! I was able to release a huge shadow that didn’t belong to me, reconnect with my sense of wonder and fun, better understand Astrology and its influence.”

      Cécile also shared her favorite magical tip with us and referenced our 7 day Expedition to Soul virtual quest:

“For me it was the 7day quest that reconnected to my Magic Self: make every day a little adventure, what crossed your path that struck your wonder? What fun thing did you do today and how did your inner Child feel?”

Cécile also filled us in on what her experiences living in both France and Canada have brought to her magical life: 

“I’m incredibly fortunate to have grown up in and live in both France and Canada. France allows me to feel connected to the deep heritage of witches and French mythology; Canada connects me to all the incredible magic of Nature!”

We can’t wait to see how Cécile incorporates her magical education into her life and are confident that she is going to spread her light and enchantment to the world around her. 

Hop on your broom and join us, Cécile, and over 100 other Enchanted Sisters from around the world in Holistic Witchery, today!