Meet Pam

Pamela is currently enrolled in Holistic Witchery, along with many, many of our other courses! Here’s what she has to say about Holistic Witchery!

Holistic Witchery and the Sisters Enchanted have helped me in so many ways; it is hard to choose one thing.  It has taken me years to be who I am and I would encourage anyone to go through this class.  Thank you to Sara, Anna, Jen, Christina and everyone else there at Sisters Enchanted. 

We asked Pam about her own personal TSE story, here’s what she had to say! 

I first signed up for the “Expedition to Soul” class which was free.  It came to my attention on Facebook because I belong to numerous magical sites.  I can’t really explain how completing that 7 day journey helped me and maybe even changed me a little.  I was attracted to the class probably because initially I was searching for something to keep my mind busy through the COVID 19 isolation.  After I completed it, I signed up for Holistic Witchery, Tarot Throwdown and Tarot and Story Telling.  I’ve had tarot cards for over 40 years but have never felt comfortable with them.  Since taking that class, listening to your Podcast and following the Facebook page – I now have over ten packs and I am reading for friends and family.  I just recently read for my granddaughter who turned 14.  I did a birthday spread and it was totally spot on.  Pretty exciting!   I have also signed up and completed Protection Ninja, Cultivating a Daily Practice, Become a Happier Person, The art of magical decluttering, Living the Unicorn Witch Life,  Connecting to your deck, Working with the Archetypes in Life and Magic, Exploring the Liminal Intuitive Dowsing and the pop up trainings that have occurred over the past 6 months as well.  There has been a MAJOR CHANGE in my life.  I have opened up to not just my family but to the world that I am a witch, basically a Paegan and Green Witch.  Not really a change because I have always participated in magic around plants and Nature, worshiping them.  However the big change is I am confident in who I am now and I don’t really care what others think about it.  In the end I now realize I have to make myself happy and being my true whole self is what makes me happy.

Pam shared a magical tip with us!

Explore all of the possibilities out there in order to find what you are attracted to.  The Sisters Enchanted Programs offer various divination resources and are low pressure and allow you to do what feels right.  There is no black and white when it comes to this and many groups make it sound like there is.  Not Sisters Enchanted – they constantly tell you to choose your own path – do what feels right!  Such good advice!

Get to know Pam a little!

I love to hike and being in the outdoors.  I most love being by myself in the woods, where I can meditate, listen to nature and balance.  People, including my family think I’m crazy!