Valerie Pheil is one of our Sisters Enchanted community members, Tarot Coach student and recent Expedition Astrology graduate.

We asked her to tell us a bit more about herself, her magic and how she came to find The Sisters Enchanted, and some fun facts so we can all get to know her better.

I had my first existential crisis at 8 when I realized the soul was eternal. I spent many hours trying to wrap my head around how long forever was and how I would conjure up enough “energy” for eternity, and so my journey began.

I found The Sisters Enchanted about 5 years ago as my girls were getting older and I had more time for my personal interests. I connected with the laid back, just do it how you can, when you can philosophy Sara and Anna advocated.

I knew the magical/metaphysical path was for me and this was where I wanted to explore. Through Enchanted Journey I found so many ways to incorporate little bits of magic into my everyday day life. In Expedition Astrology I became a certified astrologer and learned my “energy” crisis was due to a heavy earth chart. So, I adjusted my expectations and learned how to support and manage my energy through energy classes in Enchanted Journey.


I’m now in Tarot Coach, which is exceeding my expectations. The community includes so many amazing ladies who share so much personal experience and wisdom and are always so supportive.


We asked Valerie to give us a pro tip for anyone feeling they are lacking magic or are feeling they have lost their magic.

If you want more magic in your life, then follow the call of your soul and get involved in whatever resonates most with you, and do it in whatever way works for you. There is no right or wrong way-just your way.


An interesting, fun fact about you to help us go get to know you better

I have been a seeker all my life and love the journey!