Happy New Year Everyone!

The Sun has finally found itself in Aries again, and we are gearing up to move way way way away from Winter… Spring has finally come! Aries is not only the first Spring Sign but it is also the first sign in the Zodiac! It is the trailblazer of the Zodiac and sets its sights on seeing new things and experiencing life in the moment. But, because it is the first of the Zodiac, there is no energy built up behind it. It uses everything it’s got from moment to moment to experience whatever it can in it’s direct surroundings.

The Sun in Astrology represents our Spiritual Center and driving creative force. It radiates and projects itself to everything it’s light touches. With the Sun moving into Aries we see even more of a need to create new experiences in the world around us. While the Sun is placed here it is the perfect time to get going! Treat each moment with an upbeat attitude and enthusiasm for life. You create each moment after all!

Everyone is different, and everyone has a different layout for what Sign affects what parts of our lives. Now is the perfect time to start a journal to log the events in your life so you can see what cycles are represented by this Month. Open yourself up to new experiences, so you can really see what puts energy into your spirit, which will help you fine tune your own sense of self worth later. What you experience in this time will be a creation of your own doing. Don’t ignore flashing warning Signs telling you to slow down, sometimes new experiences can be more negative and harmful when they are done recklessly.

Now that we know that, lets take a little deeper look at what is going on with the other planets.

The Players:

Sun in Aries 0 Degrees

Mercury Retrograde in Aries on March 23rd

Venus in Aries 17 Degrees

Mars in Capricorn 01 Degree

Special Mention:

Saturn in Capricorn 08 Degrees

Jupiter Retrograde in Scorpio

The Planet of Relationships(Venus) and the Planet of Thoughts and Communication(Mercury) are going to find themselves directly on top of each other in Aries when the Sun enters that Sign. Seeking out new relationships(both business and personal) or rekindling your current flame, is a definite possibility here. Fear of speaking your mind will only lead to stagnation, but be careful of how blunt your words may be. Even if they are true, Aries doesn’t give Mercury enough time to think things through.

You may find that the first few days of Aries are going to set the entire trend for the month, because Mercury is set to go Retrograde on March 23rd. Hopefully, while the Sun had been in Pisces, you were able to look at how you could integrate yourself and your Ideas into the greater framework of what is happening around you. If you haven’t done the shadow work to realize how you are affecting your personal relationships, prepare to hear all about it.

By the time Mercury is done with its retrograde phase, it will move back to the beginning of Aries and pass over the Sun in the process. Needless to say the environment that you will receive will be one that you have created through your own trailblazing efforts, without taking into account those around you. This is only amplified by Mars and Saturn, as they move through it.

Mars at this time creates what is called a “Square” ,or a challenge/hardship, to the Sun. Mars is the Planetary version of Aries. It rules our motivation and overall instant desires that we enact in our daily lives. With it in Capricorn, and Saturn loosely touching it, there is enough drive and organization behind it to achieve whatever we deem worthy of achieving. The challenge here, again will be not paying attention to those around you. Without thinking things through and communicating properly, you may find yourself acting against what you are trying to accomplish.

Our final Special Mention Planet, Jupiter, is in retrograde in Scorpio. Scorpio loves to take old ideas and break them down to rebuild new ones. Jupiter is our inner sense of self enlightenment, or our ability to perceive it by understanding what is right and acting upon that. All of these efforts are going to help you rebuild your own sense of Enlightenment. Understand how your words and actions affect the people around you, and allow that to reshape the core of how you perceive the world to be.

-Mr. Enchanted (Nick MacDonald)