Ya’ll know we love Tarot here at The Sisters Enchanted so let’s take a peek at a Tarot Spread we conjured up to reflect on the time that has passed and get ready for the time to come.
And, if you’re like me, get back to reality because I know that March happened, and I know that A LOT happened in March, but at the same time, I feel like I have no idea where I’ve been.

Following a magical path gives us all sorts of opportunities for fresh starts and renewal. In this case, we get to use the Muggle calendar as an opportunity to look at where we’ve come and where we want to go. The end of the first quarter of 2019 actually lines up pretty amazingly with the transition of seasons so it’s an excellent time to get down on some reflection and planning.
Let’s look at this spread:
1. What have I learned from the first 3 months of the year? This first quarter graced us with a few Supermoons and a Mercury RX. What muggle, magical, spiritual, internal lessons were brought your way?
2. What do I need to bring with me into the next 3 months? As humans we have this tendency to want to burn bridges and leave the past in the past. While there is certainly a time and place for this, lessons and hardships can be some of our most powerful tools. Instead of leaving everything behind, bring something with you into the next three months of the year.
3. What is not serving me and is better left behind? Remember those bridges I talked about burning? Find one, harness the power of the Sun in Aries, and burn that you-know-what to the ground.
4. What do I need to continue to grow and focus on over the next 3 months? What are you still nurturing? What will is just about ready to bloom but needs a little more TLC?
Final Wisdom From Your Higher Self: Pull a final card, either Tarot or Oracle, and see what final message comes through for you.
If you do this spread be sure to share with us on social media using #thesistersenchanted . We’d love to see what your plans are for the next three months of 2019!
PS- Don’t forget that Jupiter is in its home spot of Sagittarius all year long, so, go the extra mile and conjure up some abundance this year!
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