Taurus New Moon / Solar Eclipse
This is a super exciting week in astrology, with a Solar Eclipse, the first eclipse of the year! The New Moon on 30th April will bring with it a Solar eclipse in Taurus. This year’s eclipse season takes place on the polarity between practical, earthy Taurus and mysterious, esoteric and watery Scorpio.
There are four eclipses in 2022. Eclipses are markers of time and change. They bring things to mind we may not have realized before. The eclipse season brings powerful energies for change throughout the year.
These will take place on:
30th April: Solar Eclipse in Taurus
16th May: Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
25th October: Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
8th November: Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
Solar eclipses are similar to strong and potent New Moons so this is the time to make intentions that really count during that time, an intention that will really make a big difference in your life.
Lunar eclipses are like strong and potent Full Moons so this is the time for really deep shadow work, bringing deep shadows to the light and to a lasting healing. With Scorpio in the mix this eclipse season, get set for some really, super deep shadow work that will be deeply transformational both deep within your psyche as well as in the practical world you live in.
The best way to work with the eclipse season throughout the year is to set a goal to work on through the entire Season. Something that will take time and work but will greatly enhance your life.
This New Moon is a great time to make an intention to focus that energy on something that will have a powerful impact on your life as you progress throughout. Taurus is all about the things we value in life, things that bring us comfort, material assets, things that bring us peace, the things we find beauty in, art and our creative talents. Taurus, the bull, has a big body and very small feet, it likes to move slowly. Taurus helps us to take small, practical steps, focused steps towards our goals.
This Solar eclipse in Taurus is the perfect time to make a really important intention and plan those small steps you can take every day to grow your intention, nourish it and bring it to being.
Hot tip: Look where Taurus is in your birth chart and make an important intention around value, material assets, peace or creative talents in this area of life.

Taurus New Moon Tarot Spread
1. What is my intention for this lunar cycle – choose a card that represents your intention or pull intuitively
2. What deep change will this intention bring in my life
3. How can I best nourish this intention through the eclipse season
4. What resources will I need to gather to see this intention through
5. What will I need to value to see this intention through
6. What is the Sun throwing light on for me to see in order to see this intention through.
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