Test Post

by Jan 1, 2020Uncategorized0 comments

Let’s Vision a Magical 2020! 

So often we create a long list of goals and resolutions for the new year. This doesn’t work in the end because we are focusing our energy on each of these things individually which spreads us thin, causes us to lose motivation, and ultimately doesn’t get us to wherever it is that we want to be overall. 

In Vision a Magical 2020 I help you to find one vision, one area of focus, one place to send your energy so that all the little goals you set this year are in alignment with that one vision. Create a solid stream of energy to where you want to be instead of trying desperately to spin 10 plates at a time!

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Print out the worksheets that go along with the video by clicking here

2. Watch the workshop below

3. Consider joining us in our Enchanted Journey community where we can support you on your grand vision through 2020!

Onward to your most magical year yet!


Visioning a Magical 2020 from Sara Walka on Vimeo.

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