The Magic of Scrying
Scrying is a form of divination, a way of tapping into your intuition and soul’s wisdom, and can help give you insight into what may be coming to you down the road, or it may highlight something important from your past.
Comparatively, scrying is a more difficult form of divination than methods like tarot or runes, where you have a tool that acts as a pathway for your intuition to follow. Scrying uses no such tools; it is quite literally a blank slate. Because of this, however, it can be a very powerful way to learn to access your intuition on a different level.
Instead of using these guiding symbols, there are several tools you can use to help you scry. Fire, water, crystals, glass globes, scrying mirrors, or any other blank surface or substance. Once a scrying object is selected, you look at it and focus on inviting your intuition to take action. Some people like to meditate before performing a scrying ritual to help focus or call upon your guide and higher self.
What is most important is that you are open to seeing what comes up.

I bet we all know what happens next, we’ve seen movies. Images of our future will materialize inside your crystal ball! This, of course, is not the case. What you may experience is a symbol suddenly standing out in your vision, or a jolt of information or a memory coming into focus in your mind’s eye.
When starting out, its best to not scry for too long. It can be easy to get distracted by things that may or may not be important or to get frustrated when you are unsure if anything is coming to you. Take your time, come back to it later. Like all good things, it will come in time. Instead, try to calm your mind, get into a meditative state, and focus on asking to perceive whatever needs to come through to you. If nothing happens, that’s ok! Try it again another time. If you continue to have trouble, ask a specific question or to be shown a specific sign.
This is a skill that needs to be developed, so set the bar low for yourself when starting out. So next time you find yourself out camping at a bonfire, use it as an opportunity to try out your scrying.
Get lost in the dancing flames or smoke and see what comes up for you!
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I love fire and water scrying! So much magic in the elements.