The Winter Solstice Great Conjunction

On December 21st, Jupiter and Saturn will come together in a Great Conjunction, ‘Great’ because these are the two biggest planets in the Solar System and ‘Conjunction’ because they come together and join in the sky. This happens every twenty years but this time it is super exciting. This Great Conjunction is happening at the Northern Hemisphere’s Winter Solstice and Jupiter and Saturn will come to just 0.1 degrees apart, the closest they have been since 1623.
From around December 15th, the two planets will appear as if they are merging together in the night sky until December 21st when they will look like just one big and bright star. This is nicknamed the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ or the ‘Christmas Star’ as it is believed that the bright star the astrologers known as the Magi or Wise Men followed to the infant Jesus.
Both planets have spent a long time in Capricorn, Saturn’s own sign of authority, tenacity and responsibility. Saturn leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on 17th December, where it will stay until 7th March 2021, Jupiter joins it in this sign of innovation and rebellion on December 20th.
What Does The Great Conjunction Mean For You?
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, abundance and opportunity and Saturn, the planet of restriction, truth and responsibility can struggle to find their middle ground when they come into an aspect, or relationships with each other.  A conjunction is the most harmonious of the aspects between these two giant plants. Here, they work together as a super planet, combining Jupiter’s urge towards being something bigger and connecting with something bigger to Saturn’s urge for responsibility and creating structure in life. 
This Great Conjunction will bring together Jupiter’s urge to be expand and its power to helps you to see the opportunities for growth and abundance in your life with Saturn’s sense of responsibility to bring these things to reality, to make them happen and build them into a new life structure. This Solstice is the time to think big, dream big on those things that you really want to become draw on Saturn to bring you the commitment and obligation to finally make them happen.
This Great Conjunction is in Aquarius so opportunities for innovation, rebellion and bringing about changes that will benefit all of humanity will be especially strongly felt. Saturn will make us feel an obligation to do things to help society and follow-through any ideas we may have to make life better for our world and society. There couldn’t really be a better time for this!!
To see where you will most feel the power of all of this, look at your Birth Chart and see which house Aquarius is ruling. This is where this Great Conjunction will play out the strongest for you. For example, if you have Aquarius ruling House Four, you may feel this merging of innovation and change with responsibility and obligation the most in matters surrounding your home and family. If Aquarius rules House Ten, you may become aware of innovative opportunities for growth in your business or career coming together with the structures you need to see them through.
Why not use our Tarot Spread to explore more what this Great Conjunction has to show you.