Have you ever had that feeling that you knew something was about to happen, or that feeling in your gut that you are meant to connect with that stranger who has just sat opposite you in the train. Does your gut sometimes tell you which decision is the right one when you are facing a crossroads in your life?

We all have intuition, every single one of us has some degree of psychic ability. We are born with an active intuition but, as we move through the material world of work, schedules, mobile phones, Facebook, Instagram and Netflix, we tend to leave our inner psychic behind.

But, the good news my friend, is that you can retune and recondition your intuition and rediscover your psychic powers and abilities.

Here are our top three tips for to get back the psychic gifts you were born with and get you back to trusting and believing your inner knowing.

  1. Listen to the natural world around you. This is the perfect time of year to spend time just in inature. Go barefoot if you can. Connect with the elements – feel the earth beneath your feet or run it through your hands, feel the fire in the warmth of the Sun on your body, watch the wind through the trees and feel it on your face, sit by water, paddle in it, swim in it if you fancy.  Connect and be one with nature.  Journal and reflect on how you feel, what symbols and signs you see in the clouds, in the leaf patterns in the trees.  Then circle back and see what happened in your life that relates to the meaning you found there.
  2. Look for synchronicities – those little ‘random’ things that happen together, such as your friend calling you just as you were thinking how long it has been since you last spoke. If your inner knowing tells you that these mean something it probably does. Learn to trust it.
  3. Trust and believe. Developing intuition and psychic power requires trust in yourself. Trust the words that come to you in your thoughts, trust your gut feelings.. Believe that you are a conduit for receiving messages and seeing the unseen. Take note of those moments that make you say, “I freaking knew it!”.  Journal on how your body feels when your intuition is right. Lean into those moments and that feeling  and allow them to be the strong foundation for building and strengthening your intuitive muscle as you journey into deeper confidence in being the psychic being you were born to be. 

For more information and tips on developing your psychic power, check out our podcast with our ‘Mediumship Magic’ teacher, Traci Bray