
Vision Casting for the Week Ahead

In this podcast episode you are invited to grab a planner, a piece of paper, and think about the week ahead. Focus on being playful and putting something on your schedule that taps into your inner child. Why do we do this? We constantly ask you how you want to feel. Many people set intentions or goals but forget them days later. So, let’s consider how you want to feel this week.

Need some help getting started?

Let’s pull back three steps: look at the year ahead, think about how you want to feel this year, and set goals. Then, dial it into the season and the lunar cycle. These should fit together like nesting dolls, creating a pipeline where one step gets you closer to the next.

When you know how you want to feel this lunar cycle, think about the week ahead.

This is how we take the big picture of what we want for our life and make it small and present, where we actually start to make it happen. This intertwines with metaphysics, crystals, and tarot because those are the tools we turn to for support. We are witchy people who love the unknown and the ethereal. We can use that energy and pull it into our practical lives to make our lives look like magic.

Practical Planning

Every week, look ahead and see what’s on your calendar. Ask yourself, does this align with how I want to feel?

Here’s what we suggest: Use the Sisters Enchanted lunar planner daily, a printed calendar to mock up the week, and a digital calendar to keep on track.

Look at your commitments, your priorities, and where you have room for the things that make you feel the way you want to feel.

If you have no room for what you want to do, it’s time to make some life decisions. Maybe you can’t change it tomorrow, but start planning for a year from now.

Alternatively, if your calendar is too wide open, create commitments for yourself, like daily walks or setting aside time for specific activities.


Playfulness and Inner Child

As part of your vision casting, think about where you can make space for playfulness this week or sometime this summer. Summer is a great time for shadow work because the energy is fiery, and fire transforms. Shadows are part of us and where our strength comes from. But left unchecked, shadows can cause disaster. By tending to them, they become nurturing.

Your shadows impact your inner child. Many shadows come from childhood experiences. Tapping into playfulness and youthful energy can help mend stories that hold you back.

Listen in for an example on how Sara did this with the clothing she wore this summer…spoiler alert it involves a bathing suit.

The Importance of Playfulness

Research shows that playfulness significantly impacts quality of life, even more than age. Depression, on the other hand, has the most influence. Playfulness leads to expansiveness, curiosity, and trying new things without worrying about the outcome. As you plan your week, think about how you can include playfulness and joy.

For those with busy lives, it can feel hard to find time for play. Yet, it’s crucial to expand our capacity for the life we have. Take control of your time and make room for the things that bring you joy. It’s a practice and a work in progress.

Expanding Capacity and Self-Care

Expanding our capacity for the life we have means taking care of ourselves, setting boundaries, and prioritizing what matters. Disconnecting from others’ expectations and focusing on how you want to feel is essential. It’s about making room for playfulness, joy, and magic.

You have the power to create the life you want! Embrace playfulness, expand your capacity, and live with intention.