The Full Moon in Virgo is bringing with it detail-oriented energies!
This is a great time to really buckle down and finish that project that has been hanging over your head. This is also a wonderful time for you to begin forming that habit that you’ve been meaning to. Be careful not to let this energy drive you up the wall though, it is always important to keep yourself grounded and let yourself rest (especially during a full moon).
Organizing and decluttering is the name of the game with this lunar Virgo energy upon us.
Use this time to do some much needed material TLC! Consider re-organizing your bookshelf (if you have one), cleaning out your fridge or pantry, or donating some clothes that you no longer need/wear. Express your gratitude for the time and happiness that these items have given you before passing them along to a new person. If you find yourself wondering why you’ve kept certain things for so long, do some shadow work around this.
Here’s a Virgo Full Moon card spread for you:

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